HERDSA Webinar Series

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 Please use the HERDSA Webinar Request when applying to run a HERDSA Webinar.  Applications should be emailed to k.sim2@cqu.edu.au and cc'd to office@herdsa.org.au

     HERDSA Webinar Request 

      HERDSA Webinar Tips  Sarah Hatam from SA Branch has kindly put together some tips on how to set up and run a webinar.

HERDSA Webinars 2024

From Classroom Innovation to Scholarly Insight: A Journey through the 5C’s of SoTL Research in Teaching and Learning

Date and times:    Thursday 12th Sep 2024 12.00pm AEST

Presenters:  A/Prof Dr Alice Brown and A/Prof Kwong Nui Sim

Join us for an interactive workshop where we'll guide you through the 5C’s - Common Ground, Complication, Concern, Course of Action, and Contribution - to help you conceptualize, develop, and potentially publish your Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research project. Whether you're exploring innovative practices, addressing identified challenges, seeking improvement, or delving into student feedback and engagement, this session will empower you to contribute valuable insights to the educational community. Bring your ideas and ongoing projects, and let's workshop together on transforming your teaching endeavors into impactful research contributions.

Meeting ID: 976 694 2381
Passcode: 972850


What next with the Universities Accord? 

Dates and times:  Friday 21 June, 2024  12.00 - 1.00 AEST

This webinar is jointly organised by the Melbourne CSHE and the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), HERDSA Victoria.

Since the Australian Universities Accord Final Report was released in February there has been much speculation about which of the 47 recommendations would be implemented. We have seen some announcements, including in the May Budget, but much remains unclear. 

In this webinar, jointly organised with HERDSA Victoria, Associate Professor Gwil Croucher and Professor Christopher Ziguras from the University of Melbourne’s Centre for the Study of Higher Education will share their insights.

  • What do we know so far about implementation? - Associate Professor Gwil Croucher
  • Where are the recommendations on quality learning and teaching likely to lead? - Professor Christopher Ziguras

Presenters:  Associate Professor Gwil Croucher and Professor Christopher Ziguras from the University of Melbourne’s Centre for the Study of Higher Education

Register for this event

Event page: https://events.unimelb.edu.au/melbourne-CSHE/event/37574-what-next-with-the-universities-accord

Understanding Australian higher education: the private sector

Dates and times:  Thursday 13th June, 2024   12.00-1.00pm AEST

At this coffee catch up we'll discuss private higher education in Australia. 10% of Australian higher education students choose to study at Institutes of Higher Education.  The sector comprises 134 teaching-focussed specialist Institutes; QILT data evidences that they earn consistently higher student satisfaction than their public counterparts. What do you want to know about private HE? What's is like to work in the sector? The intention of the session is to build members' awareness of the Australian higher education sector generally and the private sector specifically.


Professor Christy Collis
Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors

Christy Collis is Provost of two Institutes of Higher Education: Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors and Endeavour College of Natural Health. Both are owned by UP Education. Before working with UP Christy spent over 30 years in the Australian public higher education subsector. Christy is a longstanding member of the HERDSA QLD branch executive and the President-elect of HERDSA.

Dr Raja Kannusamy
Head of Teaching and Learning
Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors

Raja Kannusamy is the Head of Teaching and Learning at the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors; before that he was the Program Director – Business at the College of Leadership and Business. Raja’s pedagogical research focuses on the use of specific digital tools for interactive online learning.

TO VIEW THIS WEBINAR:  https://youtu.be/ItX8FuHI_fY

Indigenous relationality as an antidote to neoliberalism: Making a case for relationships-first pedagogy in Higher Education

Date and times: 11th April 2024   4pm to 5pm (EST) 1pm to 2pm (WST)

Presenters: Associate Professor Rebecca Bennett and Associate Professor Bep Uink

Drawing upon practice and research within a university Aboriginal Centre and School of Indigenous Knowledge, this webinar invites attendees to engage with the challenge of over-regulation of learning and teaching in higher education, impacting both the student and the teacher experience. Centering Indigenous relationality allows us to work in ways that return to original methods and pedagogies encouraging knowledge-extension over knowledge-acquisition, and driving innovation, responsiveness, compassion, and flexibility which are key skills for work and citizenry in an uncertain future. Recognising that university systems are inherently settler colonial; we talk through case examples where we have managed to break the system of strict assessment policy and prescriptive pedagogies in favour of a Noongar approach. Evidence from student feedback demonstrates that all students, regardless of background, thrived in a subject that valued Indigenous ontological qualities of interpersonal communication, affect (emotion), learning from – and listening to – Country, and using one’s own learning as a yardstick for success. In this discussion we challenge educators to consider ways that breaking the system might foster impactful, long-lasting, transformational learning to support our future leaders and graduates to address the world’s complex problems.

REGISTER: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/8dda55d1-1b93-4955-8584-b6dba19fe0d3@5a740cd7-5768-4d09-ae13-f706b09fa22c


2024 TATAL Webinar 

Date and Time:  Wed 17th April, 2024  - 13.00 - 14.00 AEDT

Presenters: Robert Kennelly, Maria Northcote, Mei Li

Hosted by: Victoria Branch HERDSA

What is Talking about Teaching and Learning (TATAL)? How does it work? What can participants get out of it? This webinar provides an overview of the TATAL initiative. Now in its 16th year, TATAL continues to help teachers, researchers, academic developers, administrators and institutional leaders (as well as others) engage in supportive, collegial discussions about teaching and learning in higher education. Find out more about TATAL in this HERDSA webinar.

From Classroom Innovation to Scholarly Insight: A Journey through the 5C’s of SoTL Research in Teaching and Learning

Date and times:  Friday 16th Feb 2024  12.00 - 1.00pm AEST (Qld time) &  Thursday 12th Sep 2024 time to be advised

Presenters:  A/Prof Dr Alice Brown and A/Prof Kwong Nui Sim

Join us for an interactive workshop where we'll guide you through the 5C’s - Common Ground, Complication, Concern, Course of Action, and Contribution - to help you conceptualize, develop, and potentially publish your Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research project. Whether you're exploring innovative practices, addressing identified challenges, seeking improvement, or delving into student feedback and engagement, this session will empower you to contribute valuable insights to the educational community. Bring your ideas and ongoing projects, and let's workshop together on transforming your teaching endeavors into impactful research contributions.

Education for All

Date and times:  Thursday 14th March 2024 - 1.00pm AEST   (10am WST)

Hosted:  HERDSA Branch Western Australia

Presenters: Dr Ben Milbourn, Katherine Browne, Dr Wenn Lawson, Professor Sonya Girdler

This presentation will outline the utility of using Mass Open Online Courses  (MOOC) as a mechanism for supporting equity and diversity in tertiary education though the medium of advances in technology enhanced leaning. Specifically, it will cover:

  • 0-10 minutes: What are MOOCs co-production and how are they being used in the learning and teaching community

  • 10-25 minutes: Co-production of MOOCs from the perspective from autistic individuals

  • 25-35 minutes: Practical considerations for developing online learning that promotes diversity and equity in learning and teaching

  • 35-45 What next for MOOCs, how can we develop co-produced authentic learning and teaching experiences? Discussion panel session


HERDSA Webinars 2023

Workshops for Crafting and Refining a 2024 HERDSA Conference Abstract

Date and times:  Tuesday 14th November, 2023 and Tuesday 30th January, 2023  1-3pm AEDT

Presenters: Online workshops facilities by the HERDSA Branch Chairs and SIG leads

The HERDSA Branch Chairs and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) invite you to a series of online workshops focused on the generation of an abstract for the 2024 HERDSA conference. An initial workshop (14th Nov) will focus on starting an abstract. This session will be subdivided into people who have never put together a HERDSA abstract (novices) and people experienced with HERDSA abstracts (advanced) - with consideration of presentation formats and conference themes. The second workshop (30th Jan) will focus on finalising your abstract for submission, with some peer reviewing. 

WEBINAR RECORDING:  https://youtu.be/QJxT9QZq9V8 



Shared resources

HERDSA SA Branch 2021 Professional Development Series: Changing definitions of Scholarship: What will it mean for you?   

If you missed our informative and provocative discussion of the review into scholarship definitions currently being conducted by the Australian Government Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), you can watch the webinar recording here: https://youtu.be/52WZztgtL_c

Emeritus Professor Geoff Scott has shared a resource on building social entrepreneurship capstones focused on the SDGs into the curriculum.

The link is to a video of the keynote Geoff gave at the Scottish Institute for Enterprise in September 2020. There has been interest in all the Scottish universities in this initiative, also in the Enactus universities in the UK and the Copernicus Network of Universities in Europe : https://youtu.be/0aQrRn0J57U?list=PLKYh5SWPlOb0w_8tTV7YsL0ctU08ak66i

View the Word document.  

PAST Webinars

Workshops for Crafting and Refining a 2024 HERDSA Conference Abstract

Date and times:  Tuesday 14th November, 2023 and Tuesday 30th January, 2023  1-3pm AEDT

Presenters: Online workshops facilities by the HERDSA Branch Chairs and SIG leads

The HERDSA Branch Chairs and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) invite you to a series of online workshops focused on the generation of an abstract for the 2024 HERDSA conference. An initial workshop (14th Nov) will focus on starting an abstract. This session will be subdivided into people who have never put together a HERDSA abstract (novices) and people experienced with HERDSA abstracts (advanced) - with consideration of presentation formats and conference themes. The second workshop (30th Jan) will focus on finalising your abstract for submission, with some peer reviewing. 

WEBINAR RECORDING:  https://youtu.be/QJxT9QZq9V8 

The ecology of open education and becoming ‘incrementally open’.

Date and time:  Friday 27th October 2023 - 12.00–1.00 pm AEST. (11.00AM–12.00 pm AEDT)

Hosted by:  Queensland Branch

Presenter: Dr Adrian Stagg  

Dr Adrian Stagg is the Manager (Open Educational Practice) for the University of Southern Queensland. His career has included both public and academic libraries, and positions as a Learning Technologist, and eLearning Designer.  In 2014, he implemented the first OEP Learning & Teaching Grants Scheme in Australia, and currently supports open textbook publishing and open pedagogy.  His doctoral research focused on ‘The Ecology of OEP in Australian higher education’ to identify the contextual influences within institutions and the sector applied to open education. Adrian recently led the national OER Advocacy Toolkit Project for the Council of Australasian University Librarians, and is a co-founder of the ASCILITE nation Special Interest Group for OEP. He is also an active in the open community through the OERu, and Open Education Network.

WEBINAR SUMMARY:  Engaging with open educational practices (OEP) can seem daunting for staff, who may feel it represents an ‘all or nothing’ proposition for teaching and learning.  In this webinar, OEP will be contextualised and nuanced within the institutional ecology, and practical strategies supporting a transition toward openness will be explored. The underpinning rationale and purposes of open education inform these approaches, whilst also providing a measure for evaluation.

The webinar is informed by recent PhD research that took a mixed methods approach to deeply examining three Australian university case sites.  Bronfenbrenner’s Ecology of Human Development (1979) acted as the conceptual framework to map influencing forces across the institution and sector that impact on manifestations of OEP by privileging context and the thick description provided by the participants. The resulting Ecology of Open Educational Practice will be of interest to university leadership, OEP advocates, learning designers and technologists, lecturers, librarians, and any other staff either supporting or enacting open education at their institution. 

In line with the idea of ‘incrementally open’, the webinar will be practically useful for those interested in taking their first steps into OEP, as well as current practitioners.

REGISTER:  https://unisq.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vdu-hqDgtEtDoNSl4rMYnW7N5yP_iOkbh

Ngā hau e whā o Tāwhirimatea - Embedding mātauranga Māori in tertiary education    

Date and time:  Thursday 9 November, 2023    11.00am AEST; 1pm NZT

Hosted by: HERDSA New Zealand Branch

Presenter:  Dr Matiu Rātima - Dr Matiu Rātima is a former Senior Lecturer in Mātauranga Māori for teacher education at the University of Canterbury. He has a PhD from the University of Waikato, and his research interests include the development of proficiency in te reo Māori, culturally responsive teaching, and the effectiveness of professional development for the cultural competence of teachers.

In 2022, Matiu led a team of educational researchers, tertiary teachers, and teacher educators to produce a free online guide for tertiary teachers entitled Ngā Hau e Whā o Tāwhirimātea: Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning for the Tertiary Sector 

This guide has been viewed over 10 thousand times and downloaded close to 4000 times all over the world and is available for you to download at no cost at the above link. 

In this interactive session Matiu will facilitate a discussion designed to excavate some of the opportunities and anxieties that have arisen along with the surge in prominence of Māori history and mātauranga as cornerstones of responsible, responsive and Treaty led education in Aotearoa (NZ). For participants to get the best from the session you are asked to read the guide online and come ready to ask a question or two for the zoom hui to 'wānanga' (analyse, discuss, debate). Please email your questions ahead of time to matiu.ratima5@gmail.com

If time allows Matiu will invite impromptu questions towards the end of the session.

Register in advance for this meeting:  https://otago.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJModeGrrzkpH9U6P39RbWJpcds9goHqVPMD 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Evidence-informed peer review of educational practice: A hands-on approach - Part 1

Date and time:  Tu 24 October, 13:00-14:00 AEDT

Hosted by HERDSA NSW Branch

Join Dr Alexandra Johnston (University of Melbourne) for this 2-part, interactive series, “Evidence-informed peer review of educational practice: A hands-on approach.”

In the first part of this hands-on series, you will:

  • Access an evidence-informed artefact to support your engagement in the interactive workshop sessions.
  • Engage in critical approaches to evidence-informed peer review of educational practice to support your teaching growth and development.
  • Interact with a peer to provide and receive feedback on teaching based on the principles of feedback literacy.
  • Form a safe, informed, and critical community of practice to sustain teaching growth and development across your career in academia.
  • Details about the second part of the series will be posted in October 2023

Dr Alexandra Johnston (PhD) is a neurodivergent teaching and learning specialist with the Arts Teaching Innovation Team at the University of Melbourne. Alexandra’s PhD explored peer review of teaching in Australian higher education. Her substantive theory, becoming scholarly, is an approach to safeguarding, affording, and sustaining opportunities for academics to develop scholarly teaching capabilities. Alexandra’s central recommendation is that peer review of teaching programs scaffold meaningful conversations about scholarly teaching. These conversations can transform teaching quality in higher education and result in evidence-based knowledge, skills, and behaviours – or scholarly teaching capabilities.

Alexandra holds several qualifications, including a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, Graduate Certificate degrees in Educational Research and University Teaching, and bachelor’s degrees in education and fine arts. She has extensive experience in a range of educational settings over 25 years and brings both industry practice and academic research skills and knowledge to her work in higher education teaching and research. Alexandra is also a wellbeing science consultant, with experience working with a range of educational providers across the public and private sectors.

Dr Alexandra Johnston (PhD) is a neurodivergent teaching and learning specialist with the Arts Teaching Innovation Team at the University of Melbourne. Alexandra’s PhD explored peer review of teaching in Australian higher education. Her substantive theory, becoming scholarly, is an approach to safeguarding, affording, and sustaining opportunities for academics to develop scholarly teaching capabilities. Alexandra’s central recommendation is that peer review of teaching programs scaffold meaningful conversations about scholarly teaching. These conversations can transform teaching quality in higher education and result in evidence-based knowledge, skills, and behaviours – or scholarly teaching capabilities.

Alexandra holds several qualifications, including a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, Graduate Certificate degrees in Educational Research and University Teaching, and bachelor’s degrees in education and fine arts. She has extensive experience in a range of educational settings over 25 years and brings both industry practice and academic research skills and knowledge to her work in higher education teaching and research. Alexandra is also a wellbeing science consultant, with experience working with a range of educational providers across the public and private sectors.

Don’t miss out! Register in advance for this workshop. Numbers are capped.*


 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

*In the event that capacity is reached, please email gina.saliba@acap.edu.au to register your interest for a repeat workshop in early 2024!


New Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group Initial Meeting

Date and Time:  October 20th 2023 12noon-1.00pm Australian Daylight Saving Time

Online meeting - Introducing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group: Do YOU speak SoTL?

Please join us as we launch the newest HERDSA Special Interest Group. If you are intending to join the meeting, we ask that you complete the online survey before the meeting. Survey link https://forms.office.com/r/unvuzLU2PE. The data will assist us to gauge the SoTL experience and needs of the participants.

Facilitators: A/Prof Deb Clarke, Dr Trisha Poole, Sue Sharpe

What: As the initial SOTL SIG meeting we will explore the aims, focus and operational procedures of the SIG, in addition to examining participants’ current understandings of and experience in SoTL.

  • Session outline
    • Welcome & Introduction
    • Explain shared distributed model of facilitation and active engagement approach
    • Show/discuss findings of pre-poll - who we are as a group
    • Explain the quadrants of a theoretical scholarship model
    • Identify the location of participants in the quadrants (live poll)
    • Briefly discuss poll findings and link the quadrants to who we are and SoTL definition
    • Introduce the importance of a shared understanding of SoTL
    • Live poll - the definition of SoTL
    • Describe and start breakout room for collaborative definition of SoTL
    • In breakout rooms: Create collaborative definition of SoTL
    • Close meeting and identify next meeting plan goals:
      • Present the compiled Miro definitions and present findings
      • Collaboratively decide purpose of the SIG 
      • Identify facilitators for leading the second SIG meeting. 

Where: https://usq.zoom.us/j/87412274293?pwd=LzBZaGFDdmw2NVM5ZUMwZ1h0VEpTQT09

Deb Clarke dclarke@csu.edu.au

Student engagement in employability-building activities and the role of personal career resources in securing work

DATE and TIME:  Thursday 12th October, 2023  - 1.00pm to 2.00pm AEST 

PRESENTERS:  Professor Denise Jackson; Professor Ruth Bridgstock; Dr Claire Lambert; Associate Professor Ruth Sibson; Dr Matalena Tofa

HOSTED BY: HERDSA Western Australia

This webinar presents findings from a HERDSA grant which explored higher education student engagement in activities intended to develop employability. It draws on survey and focus group data gathered from recent graduates to consider levels of engagement and the role of personal agency and socio-cultural, structural and institutional factors. Further, it considers how personal career resources, such as social career support networking, cultural capital, career confidence, career insights and professional clarity, can support students in securing graduate-level employment. The researchers will reflect on the findings and opportunities for the sector to better support students in realising their career goals.

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Meeting ID: 439 819 944 44
Passcode: KDAMtc

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Please note: The event will be recorded and made available later as a video on the HERDSA YouTube Channel. Presenter/webinar organizer must inform attended prior to starting the recording. Attendees are asked to bear this in mind if/when engaging with the presenters or other attendees during the event.

DATE and TIME:  Thursday September 14th,  1-2pm NZT (11am-1pm AEST)

PRESENTER: Dr Rachel Spronken-Smith

HOSTED BY: HERDSA New Zealand Branch

HERDSA Conference Revisited: Presentations from NZ-based participants

Do you want to hear about the latest higher education research and teaching innovations from Aotearoa New
Zealand? Join us for HERDSA NZ revisited on September 14, 1-2pm NZT (11am-1pm AEST)
In this webinar we will have NZ-based presenters from the recent HERDSA Conference re-presenting their work and/
or reflections on the conference in a condensed format. Each speaker will be given a short time to share their work/
thoughts and there will also be time for discussion. This format will provide the audience with a unique opportunity
to hear about a wonderful array of topics. We hope HERDSA members and colleagues can join us!

Exploring nudging, ‘the nudge protocol’, and the fine line between nudging and nagging in online-learning in Higher Education

DATE and TIME:  Friday 28th July 2023 - 12.00 - 1.00pm AEST

PRESENTER:  Dr Alice Brown - University of Southern Queensland

HOSTED BY:  HERDSA Queensland Branch

There is great satisfaction in developing engaging materials and learning environments in preparation for a new cohort of online learners. However, albeit with the best-laid plans and intentions, we often find that within the first few weeks of semester a group of students have ‘not engaged’, and others have evidenced ‘low engagement’. This presentation shares  a proactive strategy some HE teachers have embraced to increase students’ engagement by “nudging”, particularly low or non-engaged, students. “A nudge is an attempt to alter students’ behaviour by reinforcing the importance of critical content, assessment-linked activities, or key resources”. The webinar starts by outlining details on the phenomenon and background of nudging, before inviting you to join her in working through applying/considering the  ‘nudge protocol with one of your subjects or courses. Finally, discussion is invited regarding the fine line between nudging and nagging in online-learning.


Dr Alice Brown is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ), with over twenty years’ experience in exemplary teaching in higher education (HE). At a national and international level, Alice is committed to leading and mentoring others, including academics, and learning designers in HE, on strategies for planning, developing and designing innovative and meaningful learning environments that enhance online student engagement, and at a national and international level evidences a commitment to leading and mentoring others, including academics, and learning designers in HE, on strategies for planning, developing and designing innovative and meaningful learning environments that enhance online student engagement. Alice is the recipient of numerous awards, including the UniSQ Excellence in Teaching Award for Online Learning Innovation. Alice has a strong track record of successful SoTL fellowships, grants, and leading and working in research multi-disciplinary research teams. With over 1100 citations and 37 publications, Alice’s research and publications have gained increased traction in advancing online engagement in the HE sector and shaping industry knowledge and teaching practice that is responsive to change in solving problems, including work focussed on methodological innovation in the use of nudging and course learning analytics.

WEBINAR RECORDING:  https://youtu.be/GYBqlVyEggo.


Information Session: Roger Landbeck Professional Development Fund - Tuesday 20th June, 2023 - 1.00 - 1.30 pm AEST

Presenter: A/Prof Eva Heinrich (HERDSA Exec, Grants portfolio lead)

The Roger Landbeck Professional Development Fund (RLPDF) aims at supporting early career researchers from the Oceania region in their development as researchers and in connecting with their home communities. The fund aims at supporting the creation of hubs of sharing or communities of practice among early career researchers. It recognizes the importance of two-directional knowledge flows between researchers and communities and honours the knowledge of those communities. In the 2023 round two grants of up to AUD 5,000 (including GST for expenses accruing in Australia) are availa­­ble. The call for applications closes on 31 July 2023. You find further information about the fund at https://www.herdsa.org.au/roger-landbeck-professional-development-fund.

Hosted by HERDSA Victoria Branch: The impact of generated artificial intelligence on the landscape of higher education - June 1, 2023 - 1.00-2.00pm

The panel-based webinar will explore ‘Where to from here with artificial intelligence?’ with reference to higher education responses and practical ways to use AI in our classrooms.

 Panel members:  A/Prof Trish McCluskey, Director, Digital Learning, Deakin University

Trish McCluskey is an Associate Professor and Director of Digital Learning at Deakin University in Melbourne. Fuelled by a passion for innovation in learning and teaching she has led numerous teams to co-create accessible, engaging, and flexible educational experiences for students from all walks of life. This has led to multiple accolades including several national awards for excellence in teaching and leadership. Among her most notable achievements is the conception and leadership of the award-winning VU Block Model, a game-changing university curriculum framework that dared to challenge conventional wisdom within the Australian educational landscape.Twitter: @Trilia LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/trishmccluskey

Associate Professor Danny Liu, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) Portfolio, The University of Sydney

Danny is a molecular biologist by training, programmer by night, researcher and academic developer by day, and educator at heart. A multiple international and national teaching award winner, he works at the confluence of learning analytics, student engagement, educational technology, and professional development and leadership. He is an Associate Professor in the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) Portfolio at the University of Sydney, where he researches and leads staff across the institution in educational innovation, blended and online teaching, and the effective use of learning analytics and artificial intelligence to improve student learning and experience.

Student Panel: Isabella Meltzer: Law and arts 5th year student; Angad Chawla: Mechanical engineering and commerce 2nd year student; Jack Quinlan: Software engineering and neuroscience 2nd year student

WEBINAR RECORDING:  https://youtu.be/UyBq76gTLMg

Padlet page for event : https://victoriauniversityau.padlet.org/e5028048/herdsa-vic-webinar-2023-co2jylykrd2b80q1

Sustainability Development Goals and Higher Education - Professor Anna Reid

Hosted by New South Wales Branch - Thursday  27th April, 2023   -   1pm - 2pm (AEST) 

The United Nations has articulated 17 Sustainable Development Goals. My own pedagogical and research interest commenced some while ago where the UN previously declared the ‘Decade of Sustainability’. SDGs have now become a critical point of action for us all. But understanding what to do as educators is problematic. My own field of music can seem rather remote from the aim of zero poverty, but perhaps closer to the aim of good health and well-being or quality education. 

In this webinar we will look at how we can embrace these goals as a focus for learning within our curriculum, look at some definitions and what that means for action, and hear some examples from the field of music.

ZOOM:   https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/84002742774

EMAIL:  anke.ryan@sydney.edu.au  for any queries


Short Bio Professor Anna Reid

Anna is the Dean of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Prior university experience was in academic development (teaching, leadership and research) at Macquarie University and UTS. Her practical and research interests in social equity and professional preparation have led to the creation of internship and equity programs, curriculum reform, all with a focus on creativity, sustainability, and ethics.

Professor Reid has established an international reputation for her research and collegial approach to learning and teaching development, supported by her publications, international collaborations with scholars, contributions to the academic community through reviews of others’ scholarly work, and the experience of colleagues who have taken part in her programs.

Her academic approach is underpinned by a strong research base in higher education theory and practice, which informs her interactions with academic staff and allows her to develop reflective and flexible teaching practices; construct curriculum and units that enable students to prepare well for a changing world; build a scholarly approach to the evaluation of teaching; enhance her and her colleagues’ research capacity; develop quality research programs in various academic departments; and identify, implement and evaluate strategic policy for higher degree research.

Professor Reid is also a cellist and viola da gamba player.

Bringing together psychological influences, social and environmental aspects for improved graduate preparation - Prof Jennifer Rowley, Dr Anke Hoeppner-Ryan

Hosted by New South Wales Branch - Thursday  23rd March, 2023   -   1pm - 2pm (AEDT) 

Research is emerging on identified functional (how-to) cognitive aspects of employability. Higher education graduates from all disciplines encounter multifaceted and precarious working lives that feature multiple transitions, complex employment arrangements and often a do-it-yourself career management plan to achieve meaningful paid work.

The Australian Government introduced The Job-ready Graduates package that ‘invests in higher education in areas of national priority’ (www.education.gov.au). It is a priority, therefore, for tertiary providers to renew curriculum with value-added Work Integrated Learning (WIL) such as contemporary professional practice internship programs.

Sydney Conservatorium of Music has a program to encourage undergraduate BMus students to develop ‘career readiness’ as Australia’s graduate destinations data report these creative workers as having the poorest graduate employment outcomes of all 40 broad higher education disciplines (Graduate Careers Council of Australia, 2020).

An elective as part of their program, our internships are in collaboration with the 17 NSW Regional Cons plus various Arts industry partners and involve a scaffolded process using the Literacies for Life as a conceptual framework to help students understand their career and study confidence. As a student profile tool with accompanying resources, it aims for students to explore their cognitive dispositions and capacity of professionalism and ‘use them to enhance confidence and make informed life and career decisions in line with values and goals’ (www.employability.com.au).

By exploring the specific employability skills that build potential capacity to engage students as future professionals in all related fields we can begin to determine how students successfully transition from an accomplished student to a beginning and employable graduate.

Short Bio - Professor Jennifer Rowley

Professor Jennifer Rowley (PhD) is Program Leader, Music Education and Deputy Associate Dean (Education) at Sydney Conservatorium of Music, The University of Sydney where a key role is co-ordinating the professional experience program for pre-service music teachers and Work-Integrated Learning experiences/internships for musicians into the Arts Industry. With an interest in identity development for teachers and musicians as they transition from expert student to novice professional through the utilisation of authentic learning experiences, her research on the impact of the ePortfolio for fostering enhanced career preparation within a framework of developing a sense of possible future self is well-known.

ZOOM:  https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/87531649911

Email:  anke.ryan@sydney.edu.au for any queries

Applying A1 to Student Tasks - Edward Palmer

Hosted by South Australia Branch - Friday  10th March, 2023   -   1pm - 2pm (AEDT) and 12.30pm S.A. time

In this interactive webinar Edward Palmer discuss the increasing awareness and capabilities of AI and its likely impact on education. By providing a background of where AI has come from and how it is currently being used we address the new version of ChapGT and its ability to produce work that is indistinguishable from a good students output. We also address other AI engines that can create scripts, books, artwork and videos that will challenge our abilities to assess creative output as we have done in the past. We provide time to discuss the impact of AI on their approaches to teaching and learning and provide our thoughts on how we can manage this new disruptive tool. The goal of the session is to provide some opportunities to discuss new ways to assess based on the unassailable presence that AI will have in the workplace and education. How do we provide opportunities for students to learn in an AI world and how can we reliably assess student capability when AI can do their work for them?

ZOOM:  https://adelaide.zoom.us/j/6445504745?pwd=MUprSVR6bFN3ZXoxaWVvUkNMU3dpZz09

EmailEdward.palmer@adelaide.edu.au for any queries

2023 TATAL Webinar - Robert Kennelly, Lukasz Swiatek, Maria Northcote

Thursday 2nd March, 2023   -   1pm - 2pm (AEDT)

What is Talking about Teaching and Learning (TATAL)? How does it work? What can participants get out of it? This webinar provides an overview of the TATAL initiative. Now in its 15th year, TATAL continues to help teachers, researchers, academic developers, administrators and institutional leaders (as well as others) engage in supportive, collegial discussions about teaching and learning in higher education. Find out more about TATAL in this HERDSA webinar.

ZOOM:  https://unsw.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsfuiqrjoiGNQqPDuSEDmCfj7_Ih1jGNpy

Robert Kennelly, a HERDSA Life Member and HERDSA Fellow, is an Adjunct Professional Associate in the Canberra Business School. He is also a member of a research team studying the contemporary value of teaching philosophy statements, as well as a member of the HERDSA Brisbane TATAL 2023 team.

Professor Maria Northcote is the Director of Higher Degree Research at Avondale University and a HERDSA Fellow. She is a researcher and educator who has worked in the Australian higher education sector for over 20 years. 


Dr Lukasz Swiatek lectures in the School of the Arts and Media at UNSW and is a HERDSA Fellow. He undertakes research not only in higher education, but also in media and communication. 

Email: L.Swiatek@unsw.edu.au   +61 2 9385 8535 for any queries

HERDSA Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Webinar  

Hosted by NSW Branch - Thursday 13th October, 2022   -   1pm - 2pm (AEDT)

The aim of the webinar is to introduce participants to the valuable HERDSA Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) online learning modules. The modules introduce new scholars to the role and value of SoTL in an academic’s professional learning plan and remind experienced scholars of the process of designing and implementing a SoTL project. In the webinar, participants will be briefly guided through an overview of each of the five modules and discuss the breadth of approaches to engaging with the modules as individuals, communities of practice, and as part of formal learning and teaching accreditation programs. The modules can be accessed individually by HERDSA members, and an institutional license is available for purchase.

Presented by Associate Professor Deb Clarke, Lead author, HERDSA SoTL modules

“You can never bathe in the same river twice” (Heraclitus): Pedagogies of humility, agility and relationality, and a little river magic, to support Indigenous higher education.

Hosted by NSW Branch - Thursday 1st September, 2022   -   1pm - 2pm (AEDT)

The webinar will share some of my more affective experiences of human connection through on campus, on country and online cultural mentoring to support Indigenous Australian cultural competence. I will speak from my reflections on the curious ways of working when on one shoreline I feel deeply drawn towards Indigenous pedagogies and research methods, and in my own doctoral research, whilst on the other I experience intellectual shame risking cultural protocols and insensitivity. Based on my history, identity, and biography I feel I have to flow like a tide, seeking humility and agility whilst building relationality with people, forms of knowledge and their systems, the natural and social worlds, and through insights of my many selves. 

I offer an analogy of the river, where sometimes we may feel adrift, lonely, and disconnected, at other times, sublimely in the flow to the touch. Exploring these interplays through grounded practices and protocols aims to invite navigational stories in teaching for learning, and developing sensitivities written into Indigenous scholarship. Built on culturally nuanced relationships, these ways of working can be deep and rewarding.

,Presented by Melinda Lewis. 

Melinda, a non-Aboriginal woman from the Hawkesbury Valley (Dharug nation) on the outskirts of Sydney has worked across USYD, CSU and now UTS supporting Indigenous curriculum and teacher professional learning. The privilege of sitting on country experiencing and supporting cultural immersions motivates Melinda to position the voices and presence of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Elders, scholars, and students as a deliberate act of reciprocity for generous mentoring. Her PhD thesis explored the unsettled nature of academic work for health professionals, where feelings of rigidity in academic practice frameworks were producing a sense of individual imposterism. Reimaging the research-teaching nexus through ways of working with Indigenous curriculum, pedagogies and methodologies is a current focus. As a Senior Lecturer in the Teaching and Curriculum Team at UTS, Melinda coordinates learning, teaching, and educational research in support of a social justice ethos, inclusion and belonging, work-integrated learning, and the Indigenous Graduate Attribute.

Education Focussed academics : the changing face of academia

Hosted by NSW Branch - Thursday 4th August, 2022   -   1pm - 2pm (AEDT)

There have always been discipline based academics whose passion has been education rather than research.  The contribution and commitment of these faculty, while often valued within their own department, has largely gone unrecognised at an institutional level in absence of clear guidelines and a national policy.  However, this is slowly changing.  More and more institutions now have teaching/education focused academics  engaging in scholarship, accessing professional development opportunities and with career progression akin to those with traditional teaching and research work portfolios.

 In this panel discussion hosted by the HERDSA NSW Branch, we will explore the recent drivers and changes to the higher education environment that have led to the development of these roles; look at the question of ‘academic identity’ and career pathways in this changing institutional environment and some of the challenges that still remain.

Webinar Presenters :  Janis Wardrop, Jo-Anne Chuck, Corina Raduescu, Collins Fleischner, Gerry Raynor, Sharon Flecknoe, John Randal, Susan Page


Hosted by HERDSA VICTORIA - Thursday June 2, 2022   -   1.00-2.00pm AEST

Looking under the QILT: using QILT data in higher education research

Presenters Lisa Bolton and Professor Denise Jackson

Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) includes four national surveys across the higher education student life cycle.  The Student Outcomes Survey (SES) which looks at the experience of current commencing and completing, undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students, the Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) which looks at graduate outcomes 4-6 months after course completion, the GOS-Longitudinal (GOS-L) which follows up GOS respondents about three years later and the Employer Satisfaction Survey (ESS) which looks at data from the supervisors of GOS respondents.  For this webinar Lisa Bolton, Director of QILT Research and Strategy, will explain the QILT surveys and how institutions can access the QILT survey data for higher education research. Professor Denise Jackson (Edith Cowan University)


Lisa Bolton is the Director: QILT Research and Strategy and has been working in the QILT program at the Social Research Centre since 2015. Prior to this she spent 29 years in the VET and University sector where she has extensive experience in a range of roles from teaching, curriculum review, academic management, quality management, strategic planning, organisational research and surveys and evaluation. Lisa has a strong interest in institutional research as well as strategic planning, quality and evaluation in higher education.

Denise Jackson is the Director of Work-Integrated Learning in the School of Business and Law at Edith Cowan University. Denise is focused on preparing students for future work and careers through embedding meaningful industry engagement into the curriculum. Denise’s work has been recognised by several research and learning and teaching awards, most recently an AAUT Award for Teaching Excellence and the James W Wilson Award for Outstanding Contributions to Research in Cooperative Education. Denise is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a National Director for the Australian Collaborative Education Network.

pdf SLIDES:  HERDSA Webinar June 2_2022

Webinar:  Please click here for recordingNote that 5 minutes into the start is missing during which time the speakers are being introduced.

Hosted by HERDSA NSW - Wednesday 25th May, 2022 - 2.00pm - 3.00pm AEST

Yarning our Practice: An activity that centres on yarning – sharing stories, learning from each other, highlighting new ways of gathering information.   

Presenters Dr Denise Wood (facilitator) and Mr Lloyd Dolan (key presenter)

This will be an interactive, free-form activity that includes facilitation of skills in yarning, and some background about the practice of yarning. During the session you will engage in yarning, and reflect on this as a way of learning about self and others, in research and teaching. The outcome will be an understanding of a different way of knowing, and a new way of sharing practice.

Lloyd Dolan is currently the Acting Lead of the first Nations curriculum team at Charles Sturt University. Over the years, Lloyd has been the course coordinator of the Graduate Certificate in Wiradjuri Language and Culture, a lecturer in subjects with Australian Indigenous content and First Nations Educational Designer. Lloyd works closely with academics and students to bring Wiradjuri culture into their learning and experience, offering advice and support and encouraging new ways of learning and seeing.


Hosted by HERDSA HONG KONG - Thursday May 5, 2022   -   1.00-2.00pm AEST  or  11:00am - 12:00nn HKT (UTC+8)

Developing Student Agency through Student-as-Partners Projects 

Presenters: HERDSA Hong Kong Branch Research Team

In this webinar, the Research Team of HERDSA Hong Kong Branch will share their recent works on promoting student-staff partnership and developing student agency in Hong Kong. Research findings from over 230 students in seven universities will be shared to stimulate discussion on factors to develop student agency in higher education.


   Poster of the event 

Hosted by HERDSA NSW  - Thursday April 19, 2022   -   6.00-7.00pm AEST

Active Learning in Higher Education: 1. Engaging students in authentic project-based learning to facilitate the development of graduate attributes in the context of professional preparation. 2. Sharing learning and teaching experiences with team-based experiential learning when transitioning from face-to-face to online learning. 

The first presentation covers how integrating authentic project-based learning in the form of a song competition into the curriculum design fosters students’ employability thinking. The second presentation covers teachers’ and students’ team-based WIL learning experiences when they transitioned between online and face-to-face delivery modes at a large Australian university business school. Focus will be on how this experience during the pandemic can help to improve curriculum practice. Participants are encouraged to share their own active learning experiences.

Anke Hoeppner-Ryan,    Eliza Wu


The online engagement framework: Activating students’ online learning experience

Hosted by HERDSA Queensland  - Thursday April 7, 2022   -   1.00-2.00pm AEST.

It is widely known that the activation of student learning and engagement has a positive correlation to student success, motivation, persistence, and course completion.  Yet, there is still limited guidance for academic staff seeking knowledge related to learning and teaching, pedagogical design and strategies to afford types of engagement, all of which are critical to improving students’ learning experiences and outcomes. In this presentation Brown and Redmond revisit key features and elements of engagement (cognitive, social, behavioral, collaborative, and emotional) referred to in their seminal paper that introduced an online engagement framework for higher education (Redmond, et.al., 2018).  They then share key insights from recent research that sought to advance the framework with practical, achievable strategies to increase the accessibility and applicability of the framework for academics.  Participants will be invited to contribute to this discussion by sharing the types of online engagement strategies they use to activate students online learning.  

Reference:  Redmond, P., Heffernan, A., Abawi, L., Brown, A., & Henderson, R. (2018). An online engagement framework for higher education. Online Learning, 22(1), 183-204. doi:10.24059/olj.v22i1.1175

Dr Alice Brown

Dr Alice Brown is a Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education in the School of Education at the University of Southern Queensland.  She is an innovative and award-winning educator who leads practice and research focused on advancing learning, teaching and student success through online engagement.  She has co-written numerous books, chapters and papers addressing online pedagogy, combining nudging and course learning analytics to increase engagement with non-engaged students, and is co-author of a highly cited paper (currently 169 citations) that outlines a framework for online engagement in higher education (Redmond et.al., 2018).

Professor Petrea Redmond

Petrea Redmond is a Professor of Educational Technology and the Associate Head of School, Research in the School of Education at the University of Southern Queensland. Her research is situated in interrelated fields of technology enhanced learning. She has published and co-published in several international refereed books, journals and conference proceedings. Petrea has received outstanding conference paper awards at international conferences; along with faculty, university and national awards for research and teaching. She has been a lead editor and associate editor for Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET).  She is currently the Associate Chair, Consultative Council, Society for Information Technology and Teacher

WEBINAR RECORDING:  https://jcu.zoom.us/rec/share/la5ThONR5v3ePbaXd02KhJxw_gZ9cbYWFDTDtFKtFmArr6HiX0zods48vdOJCoBl.D9M2ELs8PQvrhpUC

HERDSA Talking about Teaching and Learning (TATAL) Webinar

1 – 2 p.m. (AEDT) on March 3, 2022

What is Talking about Teaching and Learning (TATAL)? How does it work? What do participants get out of it? Find out more about TATAL in this HERDSA Webinar.


2021 Webinars

Increasing student engagement, satisfaction and learning through pre-class activities - hosted by Queensland Branch
Thursday 11th November 2021  12.00 - 1.00pm AEST

Student preparation for in-class practical experiences enables students to confidently and competently apply theory to practical activities. Despite developing quality preparatory resources, most students were choosing not to engage. Associate Professor Jennifer Wilson therefore repackaged the resources into a series of gamified, online, adaptive, laboratory preparatory modules (GOAL-PMs) to successfully increase student engagement, satisfaction and learning in her Biochemistry course laboratory sessions as measured by system metrics, student survey and focus groups. The GOAL-PMs supported deeper learning with students asking conceptual questions (e.g., “why?”) during class instead of procedural questions (e.g. “how do I do this?”).  Associate Professor Wilson has expanded this approach into her course content and other courses at student request. The GOAL-PM intervention promotes improved preparation and performance for classes requiring prior knowledge.

Associate Professor Jennifer Wilson, Program Director and Course Convenor, School of Medical Science, Griffith University.

Associate Professor Jennifer Wilson, is a structural chemist who has taught foundation year Chemistry and Biochemistry for the past 25 years.  In addition to an active research career with over 55 scientific publications, she is actively involved in designing learning and teaching projects that stimulate curiosity in the natural world and a passion for life-long learning, receiving multiple L&T Citations for her work. Her teaching philosophy is based on teaching chemistry and biochemistry in a fun way to promote engagement and further exploration for students at all levels of academic capability.  She has a particular interest in developing students’ potential through academic recovery interventions such as Chemistry up to Speed and SUPP Boot Camp as well as transforming Laboratory teaching at Griffith University (Gold Coast) through development of Pre-laboratory Gamified online adaptive learning modules that have dramatically increased student confidence, satisfaction and learning outcomes.

Webinar Recording

Webinar Slides

Switching on the Creativity Gene hosted by HERDSA Queensland Branch

Date: 9th September 2021

Science is well known as a creative endeavour, with the generation of new ideas requiring inspiration and imaginative engagement. Activities that encourage divergent/imaginative thinking such as the creation of aesthetic/transformative materials can not only help students develop their own creativity, but also help them learn the content. Despite the well-known benefits of fostering creativity, students in the sciences rarely get the opportunity to develop or demonstrate this in assessment.

This case study describes an assessment initiative that explicitly encourages student groups to explore their creativity with the freedom to choose how they will demonstrate their knowledge of a particular course topic and embed two of the Griffith Graduate Attributes into a product/assessment item of their choice. Students further drive their assessment by developing their own unique marking criteria specific to their product with grading weighted heavily from peers (10%) compared to course teachers (5%). In this case study presentation Natalie Colson, Mary-Ann Shuker and Louise Maddock explore not only the “whys” but also the ‘hows’ to using the students as partners approach to meet specific course or program aims.

Webinar Recording

Webinar Slides  

Date: Thursday, 12th August, 2021
Time: 12 - 1pm (AEST)
Synchronous on-campus & remote delivery - are we all on the same screen?
Hosted by: HERDSA Victoria Branch

Join HERDSA Victoria Branch for an interactive session where we will be modelling synchronous dual delivery with both on-campus and remote participants. We’ll be sharing lived experiences of teaching in this format, exploring how it is evolving and discussing what works and what doesn’t.
This hands-on session will be facilitated on-campus by Darci Taylor (Deakin University - Geelong Waterfront Campus) and remotely by Puspha Sinnayah (Victoria University).

More information:

To listen to the recording please click below.  There is no video for this recording.

 Webinar Recording. Passcode: k5*z2rkZ

Date:  Wednesday 4th August, 2021
Time:  1.00pm AEST  (Sydney time)
Publishing in ASRHE 

Advancing Scholarship and Research in Higher Education (ASRHE) is a new journal in the HERDSA stable. The purpose of the journal is to progress learning and teaching in higher education by advancing scholarship and research. As such, it invites both complete research and research in progress articles on higher education.  

 In the first half of this webinar, we will talk about three of the journal’s characteristics:   

- Research in progress article category; 
- Creative modes of dissemination of research; 
- Group-based peer review process;  

In the second part of the webinar we will discuss how to shape articles for submission to ASRHE (e.g., looking at research submitted in abstract form to the HERDSA conference). One of the resources we will use is  Pat Thomson’s Planer’s Approach (https://patthomson.net/2019/09/16/a-planners-approach-to-the-first-draft/). 

Viewing link: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/udl0ziQMRQ4G-Hht8Sg8QCYb3SCqtnaLJM5JAgTNt4eWxG_NibSr7HiLBK0VPuq4.mbV4XjsvPVCax_BS

Click for Slides viewing here  


Date :  June 18th 2021

Topic: An editor’s guide to publishing in HERD

Hosted by SA Branch Chair, Sarah Hattam (PhD, Senior Lecturer Education Futures,  University of South Australia).

Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) is a highly ranked international journal that publishes scholarly articles that make a significant and original contribution to the theory, practice or research of higher education. If you have ever wondered about what processes are used to select and publish articles in HERD, or if you would like to find out how you can become a reviewer in a higher education journal, then this is the workshop for you!


Wendy Green, PhD is a senior lecturer (adjunct) in the School of Education, University of Tasmania, Australia. She is Executive Editor of the journal, Higher Education Research & Development (HERD), and Co-Editor of HERD’s Special Issue for 2022. Wendy’s own research focuses on the impact of globalisation on higher education, and its implications for learning and teaching.

Kathleen Tait PhD MBPS SFHEA is an Associate Professor in the School of Education, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.  She is a screening editor of the journal, Higher Education Research & Development (HERD), and was a Co-Editor of HERD’s Special Collection of essays in 2020. Kathleen’s own research focuses on the analysis and enhancement of communication for individuals with high impact complex conditions and the family impact of raising a child in ethnically diverse environments.

A recording of the webinar is available at:  Publishing in HERD webinar - YouTube

Powerpoint presentation:  https://www.herdsa.org.au/sites/default/files/HERDSA%20webinar%202021%20final-final.pptx

Word Cloud: https://www.herdsa.org.au/sites/default/files/what-do-you-hope-to-gain-from-your-reviewers.jpg


Date: June 10th   2021  

Topic: Academic Integrity in Online Assessment: preparing and supporting students and staff while ensuring robust systems

Hosted by WA Branch Chair, Dr Katrina Strampel (Manager, Teaching Quality, Edith Cowan University)

The advent of COVID-19 has necessitated a rapid movement to online assessment for universities across the world. Due to technological challenges, cost, and concerns around privacy and surveillance, many universities have chosen to make use of non-invigilated online exams. There has been a resultant upsurge in misconduct cases. In this webinar, we contend that this issue has three dimensions: the preparation of students for open-book online exams as well as specific disciplinary expectations, the design of assessment that reduces opportunities for academic integrity breaches and the appropriate recognition, investigation and response to allegations of academic misconduct. We first present key literature related to these dimensions. Then we explore the dimensions in relation to two exemplars which synthesise issues commonly reported in the literature and by students and staff anecdotally. Finally, we open the discussion by presenting a final exemplar and unpacking the preparation, design and follow up activities that could potentially mitigate against the issues highlighted.


Dr Melissa Merchant is a Professional Learning Lecturer and a Lecturer in English and Theatre at Murdoch University. Her different roles allow her to collaborate with staff from across the university and to design professional learning workshops. She also works with the Student Integrity team to investigate academic misconduct allegations and regularly sees the role assessment design plays in integrity issues.

Dr Shannon Johnston is a Professional Learning Lecturer at Murdoch University. Her current research interests are in curriculum design and implementation, and inclusive education for diverse student cohorts, including universal design for learning. She supports staff in academic development, leads the development and implementation of Murdoch’s Continuing Professional Learning Framework, and contributes actively and leading assessment policy and design at Murdoch.

Associate Professor Michelle Picard is the Dean Learning and Teaching in the College of Arts, Business, Law and Social Sciences. She publishes and supervises in the areas of academic literacies including academic integrity as well as higher education teaching. She is one of the authors of the Epigeum student modules on academic integrity and also serves as an academic integrity investigator and arbiter at Murdoch University.

For inquiries, please contact Katrina k.strampel@ecu.edu.au


Exemplar 1: https://youtu.be/5vIXH0-7l4Y

Exemplar 2: https://youtu.be/r256u9z0BmY  

Exemplar 3: https://youtu.be/gG2aRg-Qyv4


Webinars 2020

Webinar 1

Hosted by South Australian Branch - Thursday 30th April, 2020

Enabling online education: access, engagement and innovation in digital spaces - Jennifer Stokes, University of South Australia.

In facing the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19, how can we best support students to transition to online study? As higher education moves completely online, educators are working to minimise student disruptions and support all students to learn. This presentation will provide useful strategies for supporting student access and engaging students through online learning.

With a focus on community and inclusivity, we will explore the challenges presented and look at best practice solutions for teaching students from diverse backgrounds in digital spaces. We will consider design-based approaches, grounded in Enabling Pedagogies (Stokes 2014) and Universal Design for Learning (CAST 2011), which have been applied to attain outstanding student outcomes in enabling and online courses at the University of South Australia. We will also explore opportunities for innovation and dialogue which emerge in digital environments.  Through reflecting on lessons learned in course design over almost two decades, UniSA Senior Lecturer Jennifer Stokes will share tips and tools which work for contemporary students.

Short Bio: Jennifer Stokes is an award-winning educator, who specialises in digital media and enabling pedagogy. She is a Senior Lecturer who  coordinates courses in digital and information literacy at UniSA College (University of South Australia). Her doctorate explores enabling pedagogy, and she received a 2018 Australian Award for University Teaching citation for leadership in this area. She is passionate about educational access and the role universities can play in social inclusion and societal betterment. Her background in digital media production and her commitment to social inclusion inform an innovative approach to course content.


  • CAST 2011, Universal Design for Learning Guidelines Version 2.0., Wakefield MA.
  • Stokes, J 2014 'New Students and Enabling Pedagogies: Supporting Students from Diverse Backgrounds through a​ University Enabling Program', The International Journal of Diversity in Education, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.115-124.​


Webinar 2


Hosted by Tasmanian Branch - Thursday 14th May 2020

Engaging students and staff in inclusive partnerships in global learning before, during and beyond COVID-19 - Wendy Green, University of Tasmania.

‘Students as partners’ (SaP) is a particular approach to student engagement, which positions students as genuine contributors to all aspects of university life, including the curriculum. This webinar will provide examples of practices, which have engaged diverse students and lecturers as partners in global learning, at home and abroad, in the formal and co-curriculum during the past few years. These practices, drawn from a larger collection of projects developed in four Australian universities, under the umbrella of an Australian Learning and Teaching Fellowship on ‘Engaging students as partners in global learning’ brought staff and students from diverse cultural and national backgrounds together to design, implement and evaluate rich global learning experiences.  Participants will be invited to discuss these past practices, and the implications for continuing to engage with students as partners in global learning during, and post COVID-19.

Short Bio: Wendy Green, PhD is a senior lecturer (adjunct) in the School of Education, University of Tasmania, Australia. As an Australian Learning and Teaching Fellow during 2017-18, she led work on engaging staff and students as partners in global learning. Wendy is Executive Editor of the journal, Higher Education Research & Development, and Guest Editor of the Special Issue, ‘Engaging Students in Internationalisation’ in the Journal of Studies in International Education. Wendy’s research focuses on the impact of globalisation on higher education, and its implications for learning and teaching.


Webinar 3


Hosted by Western Australia Branch - 11th June 2020

Academic Integrity during COVID19


Among the many challenges faced by universities in the context of COVID-19 is the problem of invigilated exams. Every semester university students have historically gathered en masse, seated in large halls in tight rows (in contravention of social distancing) to sit for examinations. But this year, universities have had to make quick, pragmatic decisions about whether to defer their examination periods, conduct exams online, or replace exams with alternative assessments. Understandably, such disruption to exams coupled with an increase in online delivery has sparked renewed anxiety about contract cheating (for example see advice from White, 2020 and Dawson, Sutherland-Smith & Dullaghan 2020). Now more than ever, universities need to leverage the research on academic integrity in designing responses to COVID-19. Evidence indicates that attempts to recreate the perceived security of exams in this disrupted environment adopt too narrow a view, and instead holistic approaches are needed that balance prevention, education and detection. This webinar outlines the evidence-based factors that are likely to be salient in academic integrity breaches during COVID-19, and provides a case study of how ECU has responded. This includes whole-of-unit approaches to verifying student identity, and highly scaffolded, multi-component assessments that may include the use of Cadmus. For ECU, equity has also been a critical lens for ensuring that assessment approaches address not only academic integrity, but also digital inequality at a time when ‘going online’ has been unproblematically assumed.

Bio Professor Rowena Harper
Professor Rowena Harper is Director of the Centre for Learning and Teaching at Edith Cowan University. Her team coordinates the University’s Academic Integrity process, and she oversees the areas of Teaching Quality, Learning Support and Learning Technologies. With Tracey Bretag (UniSA), she co-led the OLT Strategic Priority Commissioned Project Contract Cheating and Assessment Design: Exploring the Connection.

Bio - Dr Andrew Kelly
Dr Andrew Kelly is the Manager for Learning Support at Edith Cowan University. In this role, his portfolio responsibilities include academic integrity, learning advisers, English language assessment, and peer to peer academic support programs. He has published in a range of disciplines including tertiary teaching and learning, history and international politics. He also currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of University of Teaching and Learning Practice.

Bio - Herk Kailis
Herk Kailis (MEng) is the founder and CEO of Cadmus. Cadmus is an educational technology company, that was originally developed in conjunction with the University of Melbourne to address critical assessment related issues. It is an assessment platform that can be configured to solve initiatives from academic integrity, to student success, and student experience. Cadmus partners with a number of international and Australian universities, and collaborates on research around assessment related learning. 

A recording of the webinar is available at: https://ecu.ap.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=899b4f75-8aa3-4605-9468-abd7004b2186

To download the PowerPoint slides CLICK HERE.


Webinar 4


Hosted by HERDSA Victoria -  9th July 2020 

Making online learning connect with your students: What have we learnt about how we connect with each other online?

HERDSA Victoria are pleased to announce an online panel discussion to be hosted by Dr Dawn Gilmore (Director, Teaching and Learning at RMIT Online). This session will examine how students and academics are connecting with each other online, particularly in the context of the pandemic-prompted move to online teaching and learning. Panel members include Associate Professor Mark Selkrig (University of Melbourne), Associate Professor Jaclyn Broadbent (Deakin University), Dr Peter Wagstaff (Monash University) and two students. If you would like to post questions for the Panel beforehand, please email them to Laurine.Hurley@acu.edu.au before Wednesday 8th July.  

Bio - Mark Selkrig

Mark is an Associate Professor in the fields of teacher education and creativities and the arts. His research and scholarly work focus on the changing nature of educators’ work, their identities, lived experiences and how they navigate the ecologies of their respective learning environments. Mark’s leadership roles at The University of Melbourne’s Graduate School of Education include coordinating the Master of Teaching Secondary Program, and he brings to this position particular expertise in pedagogical approaches to digital and blended learning.

Bio - Jaclyn Broadbent

A/Professor Jaclyn Broadbent is Associate Head of School (Teaching and Learning) in Psychology and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) at Deakin University, and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Jaclyn’s research focuses on self-regulated learning as well as the development, evaluation, and translation of effective teaching strategies to ensure student success. Jaclyn has won several awards for her teaching, including an Australian Award for University Teaching and Deakin University Teacher of the Year. Website: www.jaclynbroadbent.com

Bio - Peter Wagstaff

Peter (“Wags”) is a senior lecturer in the Department of Marketing at Monash Business School. He was appointed as one of the university’s first education-focused academics, in recognition of his leading role introducing flipped learning at Monash University. His work has been recognised nationally and globally, including a Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning in the Australian Awards for University Teaching, and the ANZMAC-Pearson Distinguished Marketing Educator of the Year.

To view the webinar CLICK HERE


Webinar 5

Viral assessment practices – Tracking the journey of ACT universities in responding to the challenges of the pandemic

Thursday August 13, 2020

Panel discussion chaired by Dr Pam Roberts (CSU) with Ass Prof Naomi Dale (University of Canberra), Dr. Debbie Lackerstein (UNSW Canberra), Marie Fisher (ACU), Tess Snowball (ANU). 

Universities needed to make a rapid transition to online delivery in March/April 2020 as a result of COVID-19 lockdown. A significant issue was how to assess students and finding alternatives to common methods that require students to be in person and on-campus. This panel explores the rationales, considerations and experiences of five ACT universities responding to these challenges. The universities represent a diverse range of profiles from research focused to professional and teaching oriented, and levels of prior experiences with online and remote teaching.

Key issues explored are alternatives to on-campus invigilated exams, approaches to ensuring academic integrity and for addressing equity and fairness to students dealing with new methods under stressful conditions.

Panel Bios

Pam Roberts
has a long history in higher education as an engineering educator and academic developer.  Her most recent roles have been managing and teaching in Graduate Certificates in Higher Education at a range of universities. Her areas of research include curriculum decision making in higher education and the implications for strategic change; research-based teaching and learning, problem-based learning in engineering education and gender inclusive curricula.


Naomi Dale
is an Associate Professor of Management in the Faculty of Business, Government and Law at the University of Canberra and holds many senior roles in tourism and employment in the ACT.  Naomi’s research incorporates the specific areas of educational tourism, policy impacts of curriculum, and visitor research at cultural institutions and national capital attractions. It also captures emerging research interests in the application of social media, and strategies for engagement through e-platforms (in teaching, tourism and events).


Debbie Lackerstein
is a Senior Lecturer in Modern History at UNSW, Canberra. In this unique educational environment, she has taught trainee officers in the Army, Navy and Air Force for thirty years. She teaches all levels but has long experience in teaching first years and in distance education at Master level. Her research and teaching interests are in French History, the Second World War and Genocide.


Marie Fisher
is the Vice Chair of HERDSA, ACT and an Academic Developer at the Australian Catholic University. She has a long association with reflective practice in teaching using ePortfolios as a tool, process and means of profiling experience for multiple purposes. Currently Marie relishes engaging in diverse practices in teaching and learning online, as well as collaboration and sharing experiences with colleagues, to improve the student experience.


Tess Snowball
has over 27 years' experience teaching, with 18 years in higher education as an academic, a learning adviser and in her current role as Manager of the Academic Skills and Learning Centre at ANU. Her teaching experience includes designing, delivering and evaluating teaching in Information Technology, Marketing and academic literacies in a variety of contexts. Additionally, Tess has a keen interest, and extensive background in a range of student support areas, particularly around transitioning to university. 




Webinar 6

Hosted by HERDSA Queensland Branch - 8th October, 2020

Supporting Learning and Teaching Transformation with Open Education Practice - Adrian Stagg, University of Southern Queensland

Adrian Stagg is currently the Manager (Open Educational Practice) for the University of Southern Queensland. His career has included over 14 years in both public and academic libraries, as well as positions as a Learning Technologist and eLearning Designer. Adrian holds a Master of Applied Science (Library and Information Management). His interest in Open Educational Practice (OEP) has prompted the commencement of a PhD at the University of Tasmania focusing on the practitioner experience in the reuse of Open Educational Resources (OER). His research areas include the ecology of open educational practice and higher education policy as it relates to and supports, open educational initiatives.

Mr Adrian Stagg


Webinar 7

Hosted by HERDSA New Zealand Branch - 12th November 2020

Blended writing - Helen Sword, NZ 

We’re all familiar with the term “blended learning,” a style of education whereby students learn via electronic and online media as well as traditional face-to-face teaching.  This webinar will explore the concept of “blended writing,” a mode of writing whereby writers think, work and communicate using both digital and analog tools, bringing the material affordances of pens, paper and notebooks into the virtual realm of websites, learning management systems and Zoom.  What are the potential cognitive and creative benefits of blended writing for our students, our colleagues and ourselves, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic?  Participants will be invited to reflect on how Higher Education research might be reconceptualised and enriched within a blended writing paradigm. 

Bio: Helen Sword is a poet, scholar, and international expert on academic writing across the disciplines. She is a Professor of Humanities at the University of Auckland and has been honoured with a number of research and teaching awards, including the University of Auckland's 2007 Teaching Excellence Award for Innovation in Teaching; the 2013 HERDSA-TERNZ Medal for a scholar who has made a major impact on the tertiary education research environment of New Zealand; and the University of Auckland's 2017 Research Excellence Award. Her books, articles and online tools have empowered writers around the world to write more clearly, confidently, prolifically and with greater pleasure, and her evidence-based masterclasses have taken her to more than 90 universities, research institutes, and other organizations in 20 countries and on every continent except Antarctica.  See her website (www.helensword.com) for links to writing-related resources including retreats, masterclasses, videos, webtools, articles and a curated bookshop.

Please view the webinar at https://youtu.be/V9Mw2NPWUXE

Webinar 8 

hosted by HERDSA Victoria - 10TH December 2020  

Sustainability in learning and teaching: Making it happen.

Dr Tahl Kestin (Monash University), Professor Kathryn Williams (The University of Melbourne) and Associate Professor Harsh Suri (Deakin University)

Sustainability in Learning and Teaching: Making it Happen offers three essential perspectives on why a focus on sustainability must be central for higher education institutions, and how this focus on sustainability can be embedded into learning and teaching. To be shared in the webinar will be guiding resources, practical strategies and concrete examples. The webinar will bring together insights borne of major projects and of extensive practice of effecting change at both institutional and disciplinary levels. With the need for work towards a more sustainable planet growing ever more urgent, the webinar will offer a powerful, practical opportunity to reflect upon our roles and potential as educators to support a more sustainable future.

The Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education

Dr Tahl Kestin (Monash University):

What are the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals? Why must these be a central concern of universities across the globe? How can universities contribute to the achievement of the goals through their research, operations, and leadership - and, very importantly, their learning and teaching? In this presentation, Tahl will address these questions as she introduces major Sustainable Development Solutions Network resources for higher education institutions, Getting Started with the SDGs in Universities, and its recently released follow up, Accelerating Education for the SDGs at Universities. Tahl’s presentation will point to some of the key steps, tools and tips of focus in this body of work, as well as some of the many case studies that illustrate how universities are leading major developments towards a more sustainable planet.

PDF Slides for viewing CLICK HERE


Integrating Sustainability in Science Curricula 
Professor Kathryn Williams (University of Melbourne)

As a former member of the University of Melbourne Sustainability executive, Kathryn has contributed to the University’s Sustainability Charter and Sustainability Plan 2017-2020. She is co-author of Education for Sustainable Development, which establishes a framework to guide sustainability teaching and learning at the University of Melbourne. She currently serves as a Sustainability Fellow in the Faculty of Science, identifying pathways to embed sustainability values, knowledge and skills in science curricula. Kathryn will share what she has learnt about how sustainability figures in science curricula, and opportunities and challenges for doing this better.  

PDF Slides for viewing CLICK HERE



Integrating Sustainability in Mainstream Business Curricula  Associate Professor Harsh Suri (Deakin University)

Harsh will speak on practical approaches to support SDG integration within business disciplines with particular reference to her work in the Deakin Business School. Harsh will highlight some approaches that have been especially effective, including the development and issuing of a major survey that proved to be a key starting point for informing collegial reflections and connections about sustainability in the curriculum. Harsh will also share some examples of the fruits of this work – examples of how sustainability has come to assume greater focus in the faculty's learning and teaching, and how it is contextualised in disciplines, aligned in curricula and scaffolded across courses. As part of her presentation, Harsh will also introduce the PRME Blueprint for SDG integration into curriculum, research and partnerships, a key resource to support SDG integration into business school curricula. 

PDF slides for viewing CLICK HERE 


You may view the webinar on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTnTC-D8udM&t=12s


Webinar 9

From Band-aid to Sustainable Transformation

Hosted by HERDSA Hong Kong Branch in collaboration with Centre of Learning Enhancement And Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong on Thursday 28th January, 2021

HERDSA Hong Kong Branch are pleased to announce an online panel discussion facilitated by Dr Anna KWAN to share and discuss arrangements of online learning, teaching and assessment during the COVID-19 outbreak and implications for higher education.

The panel will discuss major shifts and experiences in learning and teaching across six Hong Kong institutions, providing valuable insights for those of us working across Hong Kong and for our colleagues teaching well beyond Hong Kong.

Prior to the discussion, the session will start with panel members’ very brief sharing of Hong Kong experience.

Panel Members 



Dr Kevin CHAN

Department of Applied Social Science
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Infrastructure for online teaching and learning

Dr Theresa KWONG 

Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning
Hong Kong Baptist University


Mixed mode teaching – Pedagogical decision

Dr King CHONG 

Teaching and Learning Centre
Lingnan University


Tools for blended learning in new normal

Dr Beatrice CHU 

Centre for Education Innovation
Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology


Virtual laboratory for remote hands-on experience

Dr Crusher Wong 

Office of the Chief Information Officer
City University of Hong Kong


Online assessments in new normal

Prof Paul LAM 

Centre of Learning Enhancement
and Research
The Chinese University of
Hong Kong


Perception of students and teachers

You may view this webinar on you tube please click here