Roger Landbeck Professional Development Fund

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Objectives of the fund

The Roger Landbeck Professional Development Fund (RLPDF) aims at supporting early career researchers from the Oceania region in their development as researchers and in connecting with their home communities. The fund aims at supporting the creation of hubs of sharing or communities of practice among early career researchers. It recognizes the importance of two-directional knowledge flows between researchers and communities and honours the knowledge of those communities.

In the 2024 round one grant of up to AUD 5,000 (plus GST for expenses accruing in Australia) is available. The call for 2024 applications is open and closes on 30 September 2024. For detailed information see the guidelines document.

HERDSA reserves the right not to award

History of the fund

Roger Landbeck was a long-term member of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA). He joined HERDSA in 1975, three years after the new society was founded.

In 1992, Roger became the Director of the Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) at the University of the South Pacific, which was based in Fiji.

Roger retired in 1997 but retained an active role in HERDSA, particularly as the Editor of HERDSA News from 1998 until his death in 2014. He was made a Life Member of HERDSA in 2005.

Supporting documents

RLPDF Guidelines 2024.pdf

RLPDF Application Form 2024.docx

RLPDF Progress Report Template 2024.docx

RLPDF Final Report Template 2024.docx