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Group Memberships available (inc. GST): 

Each membership group has a bonus which includes:

  • 10 Members: 1 free pre-conference workshop, 1 free Associate Fellowship application ($110)
  • 20 Members: 2 free pre-conference workshops, 2 free Associate Fellowship applications ($220)
  • 30 Members: 3 free pre-conference workshops, 3 free Associate Fellowship applications ($330)
Become a Member
Membership Type *
HERD Journal
Members receive HERD online inclusive with their membership. Should you wish the hard copy please tick the box above.
Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Membership Registration
Eg +61404712348
As a HERDSA Member you may belong to any branch of your choosing, however branch activities would be more relevant for you if you choose the branch in your state. Please enter your branch as per the following: ACT, NSW, WA, VICTORIA, SA, QLD, NT, Tasmania, NEW ZEALAND, Hong Kong