HERDSA Notices 30 September 2020

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* HERDSA webinar series (October)
* HERDSA WA Kindled Event - Online
* HERDSA New Zealand AGM and Nominations for Office Bearers
* CRADLE Conference 2020 - registrations now open! - Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE), Deakin
* New Journal ASRHE launched
* New online first articles in Higher Education Research and Development

To submit an announcement for this list complete the online form at http://herdsa.org.au/herdsa-notices

A full list of HERDSA Notices is online at http://www.herdsa.org.au/latest-news

To unsubscribe or change your email details see http://mailman.anu.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/herdsa


HERDSA webinar series (October)
Thursday 8th October (1pm AEST)

HERDSA state Branch chairs have launched a webinar series guided by the theme 'Supporting and Sustaining a Community of Online Practice in Higher Education'.

For October, HERDSA QLD branch is hosting a webinar by Adrian Stagg titled
"Supporting Learning and Teaching Transformation with Open Education Practice"
Thursday, October 8th, 1 pm AEST

Please check out the HERDSA website for webinar registration details and presenter biographies https://www.herdsa.org.au/.

Further information: Sara Hammer Sara.Hammer@usq.edu.au

Upcoming webinars
12th November – Helen Sword (NZ)
10th December – Sustainability (TBC) Julia Choate, Vic
28th January 2021 Panel discussion (seven Universities share experiences of online learning, teaching and assessment during Covid-19), Anna Kwan Hong Kong


HERDSA WA Kindled Event - Online
submissions due by 12 October 2020

We’d like to invite you to join us at HERDSA Kindled Online: “It only took a pandemic – lessons learned”

When: Tuesday 10 November, 9.30am – 12:00pm
Where: Online

HERDSA WA Branch is hosting a mini-conference to provide WA staff in higher education the opportunity to:
1. Share a teaching and learning approach and/or innovation during COVID-19 (7 minute sharing of approaches and lessons learned in the context of adjusting learning and teaching due to a global pandemic)
2. Share a conference presentation that never happened because of COVID or that is planned for a future conference (e.g., HERDSA Conference) (15 minute presentations + 5 minutes managed Q&A)

This free professional learning event is your opportunity to join your colleagues in higher education in WA to share your experiences, network, and get feedback on your innovations, practices, and scholarship.

To express interest in presenting, please submit a 100 word abstract addressing 1 or 2 above to: https://ecuau.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3t7FOhaKuyFMycR
Closing date for submissions: Monday 12 October 2020, 5pm.

To register for the event: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/herdsa-kindled-online-it-only-took-a-pan...

Further information: k.strampel@ecu.edu.au


HERDSA New Zealand AGM and Nominations for Office Bearers
28 October

The HERDSA New Zealand branch will hold their AGM on Oct 28th. Nominations for the positions of Chair, Deputy-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary are accepted up to 21 October 2020. Please see (https://herdsa.org.nz/, Committee menu items) for details.

Further information: https://herdsa.org.nz


CRADLE Conference 2020 - registrations now open! - Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE), Deakin
15 October 2020

Register now! - CRADLE Conference 2020 ‘University Assessment, Learning and Teaching: New Research Directions for a Postdigital World’.

To mark the fifth anniversary, CRADLE, Deakin University is hosting a higher education research conference from 19 to 20 October 2020 – please visit the site CRADLE Conference 2020. Cutting-edge conversations will explore the future of higher education research in a postdigital age - a topic that's now more timely than ever.

Registrations for the online CRADLE Conference 2020 are free and are now open! (close 15 Oct 2020)
There are two registration options:
• Whole conference registration; and
• Individual sessions.
Registering for the whole conference provides you with access to all events, including research presentations and social events, while registrations for individual sessions allow you to register for any of our four main sessions - our opening session and panel session on Day One, and our symposium and closing session on Day Two.
For more information about registrations, including how to choose the registration option that's right for you, please visit our Registration page.

We’ve put together an exciting program with international and Australian presenters covering a great range of topics, from authentic teaching personas to the impact of data-intensification on learning and teaching. You can check out the conference outline detailing timings (including plenty of breaks to reduce screen fatigue!), along with our provisional program, on our Program page.

For enquiries, please email cradleconference2020@deakin.edu.au

Further information: https://www.cradleconference2020.org/


New Journal ASRHE launched

Advancing Scholarship and Research in Higher Education (ASRHE, https://asrhe.org/) is a new journal focused on progressing learning and teaching in higher education by advancing scholarship and research. ASRHE is published by HERDSA as an open source journal under a Creative Commons licence. ASRHE features a group-based peer review process and introduces submission categories for research in progress and creative contributions.

The journal is now open for submissions. Please read the first editorial and consider an application for review group membership. Please direct inquiries to editors@asrhe.org.

Further information: https://asrhe.org/


New online first articles in Higher Education Research and Development

COVID-19 and Indigenous resilience, Zaine Akuhata-Huntington, Shannon Foster, Ashlea Gillon, Mamaeroa Merito, Lisa Oliver, Nohorua Parata, Yvonne Ualesi & Sereana Naepi, https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2020.1823327

The relentless price of high individualism in the pandemic, Simon Marginson, https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2020.1822297

Reimagining recovery for a more robust internationalization, Fazal Rizvi, https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2020.1823325

The isolation of doctoral education in the times of COVID-19: recommendations for building relationships within person-environment theory, Lizhou Wang & Tessa DeLaquil, https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2020.1823326

A year of change for Hong Kong: from east-meets-west to east-clashes-with-west, William Yat Wai Lo, https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2020.1824210

Japanese nightingales (uguisu) and the ‘margins’ of learning: rethinking the futurity of university education in the post-pandemic epoch, Keita Takayama, https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2020.1824208