Thank you for your interest in joining HERDSA. Please select your method of application below.
- Memberships and renewals are valid for 12 months from the date you join.
- Memberships that are due for renewal will be emailed a renewal notice automatically.
- New Members will be mailed their membership package after the membership has been processed.
- All payments are deducted in Australian dollars
- All cheque payments should be in Australian dollars (NZ exception)
NEW MEMBERS Joining and Paying ONLINE (secure site)
- Complete the details online by selecting - JOIN HERDSA on the front page
- Follow the prompts and you will be directed to pay with either PayPal, Mastercard or Visa Card.
- You will be issued a receipt online. The membership package will then be sent to you.
RENEWALS Paying ONLINE (secure site) for Standard Membership - Fellows and Associate Fellows use the left tab
- Login with your user name and password
- Go to MY DASHBOARD and select RENEW MEMBERSHIP on the right hand side. Fellows and Associate Fellows must use the left tabs to renew.
- You will be issued an electronic receipt.