Higher Education Research & Development Vol. 42 No. 4

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Growing Indigenous graduates in the health professions: a case study in decentralised student selection and engagement
Karen Adams, Peggy Swindle, Colleen Kelly & Cammi Murrup-Stewart, Pages: 771-784

Universities Australia 2017–2020 Indigenous Strategy: a meta-synthesis of the issues and challenges
Peter J. Anderson, Sun Yee Yip & Zane M. Diamond, Pages: 785-800

Is motivation towards university sufficient? The three-way interaction among gender, socioeconomic status, and academic motivation on perceived employability
Hasan Bozgeyikli, Zeynep Görgülü & Emre Emrullah Boğazlıyan, Pages: 801-815

Priority setting in higher education research using a mixed methods approach
Tammie Choi, Claire Palermo, Mahbub Sarkar, Joy Whitton, Charlotte Rees & Allie Clemans, Pages: 816-830

Double closet, heteronormativity, and a gay academic living with HIV in China
Le Cui, Pages: 831-844

Student confidence in learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: what helped and what hindered?
Neil Guppy, Uwe Matzat, Jenilyn Agapito, Audon Archibald, Amy De Jaeger, Tania Heap, Ma Monica Moreno, Maria Mercedes Rodrigo & Silvia Bartolic, Pages: 845-859

Ambiguity and peripherality in doctoral co-supervision workload allocation
Vijay Kumar & Nave Wald, Pages: 860-873

To be or not to be (in academia)? ‘Inward calling’ and ‘academic hazards’ in aspiring academics’ career prospects in Australia
Ai Tam Le, Pages: 874-887

Negotiating identities in western academia: an autoethnographic study of international doctoral students in Australia
Bingqing Li, Weiqi Jiang & Urmee Chakma, Pages: 888-902

Perceived organisational support and university students’ career exploration: the mediation role of career adaptability
Yin Ma, Dawn Bennett & Shih-Chih Chen, Pages: 903-919

Capturing connections during COVID-19: Using photography to assess US college students’ sense of belonging
Lucy E. Napper, Margaret Munley Stone & Princess O. Neely, Pages: 920-936

Pandemic productivity in academia: using ecological momentary assessment to explore the impact of COVID-19 on research productivity
Roxanna Nasseri Pebdani, Adriana Zeidan, Lee-Fay Low & Andrew Baillie, Pages: 937-953

Student evaluation of teaching: gender bias in a country at the forefront of gender equality
Margret Sigrun Sigurdardottir, Gudbjorg Linda Rafnsdottir, Anna Helga Jónsdóttir & Dadi Mar Kristofersson, Pages: 954-967

Ready for careers within and beyond academia? Assessing career competencies amongst junior researchers
I. Skakni, C. Maggiori, J. Masdonati & J. Akkermans, Pages: 968-983

The doctorate in pieces: a scoping review of research on the PhD thesis by publication
Kristin Solli & Lynn P. Nygaard, Pages: 984-999

Do students perceive faculty as responsible for equitable learning environments? Results from a mixed-methods study
Brandilynn J. Villarreal, Kimberly Vincent-Layton, Edelmira Reynoso, Kayla Begay & Kimberly N. White, Pages: 1000-1015

A multi-phase mixed-method study defining dissertation writing enjoyment and comparing PhD students writing in the company of others to those writing alone
Cynthia Vincent, Émilie Tremblay-Wragg, Catherine E. Déri & Sara Mathieu-Chartier, Pages: 1016-1031

Higher Education Research & Development Vol. 42