Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
Peer-mentoring and doctoral student retention: a longitudinal investigation
Mostafa Ayoobzadeh, Pages: 513-529
Constructing university-based teacher educators: serendipity, complexity and community
Mark Barrow & Linlin Xu, Pages: 530-543
The impact of neoliberal education on the alignment of student–supervisor expectations in Malaysia
Irina Baydarova, Pages: 544-558
Criteria of quality in fiction-based research to promote debate about the use of AI and robots in Higher Education
Andrew Cox, David Cameron, Alessandro Checco, Tim Herrick, Maria Mawson & Richard Steadman-Jones, Pages: 559-573
Making the familiar unfamiliar: re-thinking teaching in higher education
Gloria Dall’Alba, Pages: 574-587
‘I'm broken but I'm alive’: gender, COVID-19 and higher education in Australia
Emily M. Gray, Jacqueline Ullman, Mindy Blaise & Joanna Pollitt, Pages: 588-602
A personalised autonomous model to resolve a prolonged dilemma in international students’ English language needs in higher education
Mira Kim, Pages: 603-618
Higher Education for forcibly displaced migrants in Turkey
Yasar Kondakci, Merve Zayim Kurtay, Sevgi Kaya Kasikci, Hanife Hilal Senay & Busra Kulakoglu, Pages: 619-632
‘Trust the people, not the institution’: university preparation for the Research Assessment Exercise 2020 in Hong Kong
Danling Li & Yongyan Li, Pages: 633-648
Broadening academia: an epistemic shift towards relationality
Maryanne Macdonald, Eyal Gringart, Darren Garvey & Kenneth Hayward, Pages: 649-663
Bringing light to a hidden genre: the peer review report
Shannon Mason & Sin Wang Chong, Pages: 664-678
The pandemic and the politics of Australian research governance
Greg McCarthy & Kanishka Jayasuriya, Pages: 679-693
Plagiarism in EMI higher education: conceptual understanding of staff and students in four South Asian countries
Sharon McCulloch & Bimali Indrarathne, Pages: 694-713
A networked-hutong siwei for developing Australia’s pedagogical strategy for International Research Education: intellectual interconnectedness and theoretical alternatives
Hui Meng, Jing Qi & Derong Leng, Pages: 714-727
Gender and the symbolic power of academic conferences in fictional texts
Pauline J. Reynolds & Emily F. Henderson, Pages: 728-741
Low socioeconomic status students transitioning from Vocational Education and Training (VET) to university: examining definitions of success
Robert Vanderburg, Lois Harris, Joanne Dargusch & Susan Richardson, Pages: 742-756
Enhancing co-supervision practice by setting expectations in a structured discussion using a research-informed tool
Navé Wald, Vijay Kumar & Lara J. Sanderson, Pages: 757-769