Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
Adjustment to higher education among students with mental health disorders
Inbar Aharoni Zorach & Orly Lipka, Pages: 1-17
Why are women opting out of academic careers in higher education in Ghana? Implication for policy and practice
Desmond Tutu Ayentimi & Hossein Ali Abadi, Pages: 18-32
Taking a ‘whole-university’ approach to student mental health: the contribution of academic libraries
Liz Brewster & Andrew M. Cox, Pages: 33-47
Student agency: two students’ agentic actions in challenging oppressive practices on a diverse university campus
Emma Groenewald & Adré le Roux, Pages: 48-61
Scoping academic oracy in higher education: knotting together forgotten connections to equity and academic literacies
Marion Heron, Sally Baker, Karen Gravett & Evonne Irwin, Pages: 62-77
Applied learning and student views of social and political involvement
Elizabeth A. Jach & Teniell L. Trolian, Pages: 78-92
The contribution of different types of work-integrated learning to graduate employability
Denise Jackson & Bonnie Amelia Dean, Pages: 93-110
Towards an effective change framework for scholarly teaching in higher education professional degrees
Margaret Jollands, Ieva Stupans & Brendan T. O’Connell, Pages: 111-125
How international higher education graduates contribute to their home country: an example from government scholarship recipients in Kazakhstan
Dilrabo Jonbekova, Yevgeniya Serkova, Zhanar Mazbulova, Zakir Jumakulov & Alan Ruby, Pages: 126-140
Digital reading and gender inequality in higher education
Axel Kuhn, Ute Schneider & Annika Schwabe, Pages: 141-155
Building and strengthening Indigenous early career researcher trajectories
Michelle Lea Locke, Michelle Trudgett & Susan Page, Pages: 156-170
Early career researchers as active followers: perceived demands of supervisory interventions in academic workplaces
Katerina Machovcova, Jiri Mudrak, Katerina Cidlinska & Katerina Zabrodska. Pages: 171-185
Transforming higher education spaces through ethical research publication: a critique of the publish or perish aphorism
Nomanesi Madikizela-Madiya, Pages: 186-199
‘Histories of knowledges’ for research education
Jing Qi, Catherine Manathunga, Michael Singh & Tracey Bunda, Pages: 200-214
Exploring the effects of the COVID-19 emergency remote education on students’ social and academic integration in higher education in Austria
Katharina Resch, Ghaleb Alnahdi & Susanne Schwab, Pages: 215-229
Love, loss and a doctorate: an autoethnography of grieving while writing a PhD
Alexandra Ridgway, Pages: 230-243
Developing college students’ critical thinking through reflective writing
Hui-Chin Yeh, Shih-hsien Yang, Jo Shan Fu & Yen-Chen Shih, Pages: 244-259