Learning discipline-specific research English for a world stage: A self-access concordancing tool?

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 28: Higher education in a changing world

July, 2005, 639 pages
Published by
Angela Brew and Christine Asmar
0 908557 62 0

Researchers and postgraduate research students who use English as an additional language (EAL) often struggle to gain command of the highly discipline-specific English they need to write independently for successful publication in the international literature. A self-access language- learning tool that takes advantage of their existing facility with research processes and provides access to specific language elements they need to learn would be of benefit. A potential has been recognised in the literature on computer-aided language learning, but not widely taken up to date, for using Concordancing software for such a purpose. Concordancers allow a selected set of texts (corpus) to be searched for systematic evidence of how particular language items are used. This showcase session demonstrates a concordancing program that is simple and functional enough for novices to use on their own, and the steps in constructing a corpus from published journal articles. We also discuss outcomes of our initial trials of the package with EAL research students in the fields of applied linguistics and agricultural sciences. Session participants at the conference will be invited to formulate their own questions about English usage for on-the-spot investigation using the concordancer.

Keywords: corpus linguistics, concordancing, academic writing