Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
02 From the President
03 Integrating communication skills through distributed expertise
Sophie Arkoudis argues for a shift from entry to exit standards and distributed expertise
05 Who’s who in HERDSA
05 New Scholars
06 Around the Branches
07 Fellows column
08 HERDSA New Zealand 09 Recognising outstanding service
10 Meanderings Robert Cannon on cartoons, doodles and good teaching
12 ICT: A grumpy old person perspective Roger Atkinson talks dilemmas and compromises in scholarly editing in ICT
14 Postcard from Liverpool Susan Bolt settles in and explores some fascinating academic history
16 From the HERD editorial desk Editors Craig Whitsed and Wendy Green
16 Essential reading Amani Bell’s choice from HERD
17 New guide for asynchronous online discussion builds student confidence Irina Verenikina describes a new resource
18 An adaptable model for employability and career development Mark Stow and Karin Crawford have a flexible approach to engage students
20 ‘Don’t touch my moustache’ Allan Goody with HERDSA friends and a Japanese cultural exchange of learning
22 Don’t FLIP the classroom - flip learning Helen Flavell and Georgina Fyfe
23 Susan Page and colleagues Past, Present and Future: Acknowledging Indigenous Achievement and Aspiration in Higher Education
24 Sandra Jones Leading the Academy: Distributed Leadership in higher education
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