Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
2 From the President Denise Chalmers
3 I ngā rā o mua – Indigenising universities back to the future - Meegan Hall
4 Around the branches
5 HERDSA New Zealand
6 Student view
7 Who’s who in HERDSA
8 HERDSA affiliate members
8 Ako Aotearoa
9 The HERDSA Fellowship
10 Wordcraft with Helen Sword
11 Policy perspectives from Marcia Devlin
12 Beena Giridharan’s Postcard from Malaysia
13 Meanderings with Bob Cannon
14 From the HERD editorial desk
14 Essential reading HERD
15 What in the world is ICED? by Allan Goody
15 Essential reading IJAD
16 The new majority by Linda Rowan
17 Engaging undergraduate students in authentic science research
18 From perplexities of plagiarism to building cultures of integrity
19 A student transformation model - Natasja Steenkamp
20 An innovative online assessment platform Danny Carroll
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