Developing leaders of sessional teachers in higher education

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 33 : Reshaping Higher Education

July, 2010, 654 pages
Published by
M. Devlin, J. Nagy and A. Lichtenberg
0 908557 80 9

Sessional teachers are increasingly contributing to teaching and learning in Australia and internationally. Hence, the role of their academic supervisor is quite considerable. In this paper I argue that not only do the development needs of sessional teachers require addressing, but so do those of their supervisors. By analysing the results of a survey of sessional teachers at Deakin University in Australia in 2009, I propose a tripartite model of academic development that sees the central academic development unit take a leading role in facilitating a ‘meeting of the minds’ between sessional teachers and those leading them.

Keywords: sessional teachers, academic development, leadership