Projecting innovation in higher education: an Australian study

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 42: Next Generation, Higher Education: Challenges, Changes and Opportunities

March, 2020, 125 pages
Published by
Eva Heinrich & Roseanna Bourke

This paper presents the findings of a preliminary study that reviews the literature detailing the historical trajectory of innovation in higher education. It contextualises this history for the 21st Century university (specifically for its developments in teaching and learning). Against this backdrop, the study interrogates the ontological disconnect of the university serving its community while also being a driver for change. A scoping study and textual analysis of the innovation strategies of all 40 Australian universities is presented. Per conjecturam, the study poses the question; if every university purports to be innovating in teaching and learning, how might a university reconsider its interpretation and representation of innovation in this space so as to become genuinely innovative?

Keywords: innovation; teaching and learning; learning technologies.