Customer-led learning environments: industry-university partnerships

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 26: Learning for an Unknown Future

July, 2003, 692 pages
Published by
Helen Mathews and Rod McKay
0 90 8557 55 8

The University of Portsmouth in partnership with industry offers a number of learning at work degrees that are characterised by their customer led curricula. These programmes involve: work-based learning, reflective practice and the accreditation of in-company training. The paper outlines: the pedagogic thinking underpinning these degrees, and two variants of the model, individually designed learning contract managed degrees and a Masters degree developed in collaboration with a corporate university. The paper reports on the new working procedures introduced in the face of the uncertainties involved with these programmes. The paper concludes with a summary of the lessons learned by the university about sharing responsibilities and achieving cultural understanding with its new industrial partners.

Keywords: learning contract, work-based learning, reflective learning.