Implementing peer tutoring in gross anatomy tutorials

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 26: Learning for an Unknown Future

July, 2003, 692 pages
Published by
Helen Mathews and Rod McKay
0 90 8557 55 8

This study examines the outcomes from the introduction of peer tutoring in two tutorial classes in gross anatomy. Seventeen students volunteered to prepare a topic from the syllabus, and make a presentation. These student presentations replaced the teacher’s role in providing information, explanation, and student discussion, on the topics covered by the volunteer presenters. The evaluation focus was on the viability and learning effectiveness of trial scheme, and on the nature and usefulness of the feedback given to presenters. Analysis was based on notes recorded by the teacher on a ‘teacher observation checklist’, and on examination of the written formative feedback assessments made by the peer audience at each presentation. Two main findings emerged from the study. First, peer tutoring of this kind can be a viable and effective teaching adjunct in anatomy. Second, written assessment comments by peers provided a rich, supportive and detailed feedback for each presentation, and exhibited consistency in identifying relative strengths and areas for improvement in each presentation.

Keywords: peer tutoring, peer feedback, anatomy