Boyer reconsidered: Priorities for framing academic work

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 28: Higher education in a changing world

July, 2005, 639 pages
Published by
Angela Brew and Christine Asmar
0 908557 62 0

This paper focuses on the redevelopment of the Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering at Queensland University of Technology. It describes the theoretical framework upon which reconceptualisation for redevelopment was based and outlines some of the outcomes that have emerged through implementation of the model for change which developed. What emerges is a Faculty committed to transformational cultural change based on a principled set of ideas about the future of built environment and engineering education. These ideas have been caste against well-known and scholarly views of the project of higher education; the works of Ernest Boyer and Burton Clark have been relied upon to provide theoretical foundation to the shaping of the Faculty’s future. Boyer’s four scholarships are here reconsidered and remapped over Burton Clark’s ideas about successful entrepreneurial universities. Together these sources point to the development of an integrated community of scholars where the role of leadership is to provide what Boyer called the scholarship of integration.

Keywords: organizational change, higher education leadership, scholarship of integration