A University goes online: Avoiding throwing the innovative baby out with the strategic bath water

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 23: Flexible Learning for a Flexible Society

July, 2000, 755 pages
Published by
Lesley Richardson & John Lidstone

University managers can see the imperative of utilising internet technologies in teaching and learning if their institutions are to survive in increasingly global and competitive markets, Their concerns revolve around managing the cost, quality and pace of development. Innovative teachers strive to invent new ways to improve the effectiveness of their teaching and enhance their students’ learning. The tensions between the different priorities of managers and innovators can manifest themselves in the perception and reality of lack of coherence and relevance to the larger group of staff and students. How can institutions resolve issues arising from this tension?

This paper describes the development, features and future prospects of UniSAnet, the online learning environment of the University of South Australia, in terms of these issues. The issues and approaches illustrated in this case study can provide insights into the process and challenges of introducing and implementing institution wide change.