Online teaching – responding to and supporting change through staff development

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 23: Flexible Learning for a Flexible Society

July, 2000, 755 pages
Published by
Lesley Richardson & John Lidstone

Institutions of higher education are faced with a rapidly changing teaching and learning environment and academic staff must make a complex set of decisions if they are to use technology effectively and efficiently to assist students to engage with course content and achieve course outcomes. Achieving an appropriate balance of technical and professional support which enables staff to use the new technologies for the benefit of students in a large institution is both complex and demanding. This paper describes some tools, strategies and processes whereby the University of South Australia is striving to provide a flexible and student-centred online learning environment supported by appropriate professional development of staff. UniSAnet provides academic staff and students with an additional, online dimension to the University’s existing teaching and learning program. It is a co- ordinated online teaching and learning facility, which has the capacity to enhance the quality of learning experiences in both virtual and conventional classrooms. The paper describes the professional development program which supports UniSAnet with reference to a number of case-studies from a range of disciplines.