Appraising professional practice in a tertiary environment using appreciative inquiry

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 30: Enhancing Higher Education, Theory and Scholarship

July, 2007, 651 pages
Published by
Geoffrey Crisp & Margaret Hicks
0 908557 72 8

Reviewing one’s teaching practice is an essential component of professional practice. It would appear however, that traditional methods remain locked into problems within our practice. This paper reports on a review of personal professional practice through the innovative process of Appreciative Inquiry (A/I). In so doing, an alternative model of appraisal is presented which has the potential to influence the development of scholarship of learning and teaching. During the 1990’s A/I has offered a positive approach to view and consider professional practice in order to create change. A main focus of A/I, is to appreciate the best of practice and to carry that forth into the future. Change is brought about by examining themes from stories of practice and developing provocative propositions about future practice. This paper explores a health faculty lecturer’s teaching experiences in three domains of practice. Moreover it demonstrates how using the theoretical framework of A/I enhances teaching practice; resulting in improved student experience. Acknowledging the best of practice the writer has committed to promoting independence and critical thinking skills, in order for students to be successful in their studies. Concepts such as authoring, circles of influence and teachers being potential agents of change will be considered in terms of complimenting A/I.

Keywords: appreciative inquiry, agents of change, teaching practice