Facilitating student recognition of their learning

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 30: Enhancing Higher Education, Theory and Scholarship

July, 2007, 651 pages
Published by
Geoffrey Crisp & Margaret Hicks
0 908557 72 8

The use of the Course Experience Questionnaire survey as a major aspect of funding under the Commonwealth Learning and Teaching Performance Fund has increased the significance of student perceptions of their learning process and environment. As a result, discrepancies between teachers’ perceptions of how students are developing and aggregating knowledge, and the perception students have about the scope and nature of their competencies, become increasingly important for reasons beyond the pedagogical. Where professional skills are a significant aspect of the outcome of the academic context, the issue of students’ perceptions of their acquisition of those professional skills can be particularly significant in terms of their overall satisfaction with their course or program. If students do not recognise what and how much they have learned, they may not recognise the value and quality of their learning experience and its outcomes. This paper will focus on teaching in the Schools of Law and Education where the acquisition of professional skills is an intended outcome of the academic program, as a basis for considering the way those skills can be developed and assessed. It will provide a context for considering ways in which we can enable students to recognise the quality and nature of the outcomes.

Keywords: professional skills; student perceptions of learning and teaching; CEQ