Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
* HERDSA Webinar Series (July)
* Online focus groups: Providing careers support to university students with disability
* Deadline extended! NCSEHE PhD scholarship opportunity
* Students as Partners (Virtual) Roundtable 2020
* Higher Education in the Headlines
To submit an announcement for this list complete the online form at http://herdsa.org.au/herdsa-notices
A full list of HERDSA Notices is online at http://www.herdsa.org.au/latest-news
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HERDSA Webinar Series (July)
Thursday 9th July (3pm NZST, 1pm AEST & 11am AWST)
HERDSA state Branch chairs have launched a webinar series guided by the theme ‘Supporting and Sustaining a Community of Online Practice in Higher Education'. HERDSA Vic branch is presenting an online panel discussion to be hosted by Dr Dawn Gilmore at 1pm on Thursday 9th July, with the topic of 'Making online learning connect with your students: what have we learnt about how we connect with each other online?'
Panel members include Associate Professor Mark Selkrig (University of Melbourne), Associate Professor Jaclyn Broadbent (Deakin University), Dr Peter Wagstaff (Monash University) and two students. Please check out the HERDSA website for webinar registration details and presenter biographies https://www.herdsa.org.au/.
If you would like to post questions for the Panel beforehand, please email them to Laurine.Hurley@acu.edu.au before Wednesday 8th July.
Further information: julia.choate@monash.edu
Online focus groups: Providing careers support to university students with disability
30 June - 2 July
National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) Equity Fellow David Eckstein is seeking online focus group participants for his 2020 project on supporting the careers of university students with disability.
Professional and academic staff are invited to share their experience and opinion about the challenges and opportunities of providing careers support that meets the needs of university students with disability.
Short focus groups in each state will allow participants to contribute their experience, ask questions and learn about what works in different contexts, what barriers prevent better service provision, and what strategies might help us better support our students.
This project will culminate in the provision of open access tools and resources for all universities to use.
Please register for a one-hour online focus group in your state to help identify issues and generate strategies for universities to make improvements.
Further information: https://www.ncsehe.edu.au/online-focus-groups-careers-support-university...
Deadline extended! NCSEHE PhD scholarship opportunity
Applications close 10 July 2020
In light of current events, the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) has extended the deadline for the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) scholarship until 10 July 2020.
This is a three-year scholarship which pays a cash stipend of A$27,500 (non-taxable).
Candidates must have completed an Honours Undergraduate Degree, preferably with First Class Honours, in a field related to education, social sciences or the broad humanities area. Alternatively, students should have completed a Masters by Research Degree related to the areas detailed above.
Given our equity agenda we would welcome applicants from more diverse backgrounds who may have taken more circuitous routes through higher education due to financial, employment or caring responsibilities.
Further information: https://www.ncsehe.edu.au/ncsehe-hdr-scholarship-opportunity/
Students as Partners (Virtual) Roundtable 2020
Event date: Monday 24th - Friday 28th August
Deakin University is excited to open registrations for this year's SaP Roundtable. It will be held as a virtual event from Monday 24th August to Friday 28th August (9.30am-11.30am AEST) due to the impact of COVID-19.
The free event is open to all interested students and staff from across the globe who are interested and engaging in SaP practices. We invite input from staff and students to the formal program via Case Study contributions and our Human Library.
For more details on how to contribute, view the full program (including our keynote speakers), and to register for the event please visit the Deakin 2020 SaP Roundtable website.
We look forward to seeing you at the Roundtable,
Deakin SaP Roundtable Organising Committee
Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Further information: https://www.deakin.edu.au/sap-roundtable
Higher Education in the Headlines
Dan’s next job, research reform | TIM DODD, JILL ROWBOTHAM | Australian Higher Education | 24 June, 2020
Education Minister Dan Tehan is expected to announce research funding reforms before the October budget.
Essay mills ‘targeting students’ as pandemic crisis shifts HE online | Anna McKie | Times Higher Education | 18 June, 2020
New guidance from UK’s QAA says shift to online learning has left students vulnerable to contract cheating services
Welcome to the Socially Distanced Campus | Francie Diep and Megan Zahneis | Chronicle of Higher Education | 12 June, 2020
When students return to colleges, they are likely to find transformed spaces and new norms. Here’s what campus leaders say that could look like.