HERDSA Notices 20 September 2023

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* HERDSA Connect Blog: Walking the Walk: Provocations for higher education educators regarding our own academic integrity in an age of artificial intelligence
* HERDSA Webinar - Student engagement in employability-building activities and the role of personal career resources in securing work
* Call For Expressions of Interest for Editor(s) of HERDSA Connect Blog
* HERDSA Special Interest Group Online Engagement in Higher Education: Upcoming Event
* HERDSA TERNZ Research Medal 2023 - Call for Nominations
* HERDSA Webinar - Evidence-informed peer review of educational practice: A hands-on approach - Part 1
* TEQSA and CRADLE genAI Webinar #5 - Assessment Reform for the Age of Artificial Intelligence
* Director, Centre for Learning and Teaching
* Early Career Academic Appointments in the Faculty of Education
* Critical University Studies Conference (CUS) 2024 - Call for submissions
* Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching), Australia Advance Education Group
* Health Sciences SIG: Overcoming bioscience related anxiety

To submit an announcement for this list complete the online form at http://herdsa.org.au/herdsa-notices

A full list of HERDSA Notices is online at http://www.herdsa.org.au/latest-news

To unsubscribe or change your email details see http://mailman.anu.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/herdsa


HERDSA Connect Blog: Walking the Walk: Provocations for higher education educators regarding our own academic integrity in an age of artificial intelligence
Michelle Picard, 15 September, 2023

Michelle Picard looks at higher educators in an age of artificial intelligence and suggests we need to ‘walk the walk’ of academic integrity in our own teaching and research.

Read More: https://herdsa.org.au/herdsa-connect/walking-walk-provocations-higher-ed...


HERDSA Webinar- Student engagement in employability-building activities and the role of personal career resources in securing work
Thursday 12th October, 2023 1.00 to 2.00pm AEST

This webinar presents findings from a HERDSA grant which explored higher education student engagement in activities intended to develop employability. It draws on survey and focus group data gathered from recent graduates to consider levels of engagement and the role of personal agency and socio-cultural, structural and institutional factors. Further, it considers how personal career resources, such as social career support networking, cultural capital, career confidence, career insights and professional clarity, can support students in securing graduate-level employment. The researchers will reflect on the findings and opportunities for the sector to better support students in realising their career goals.

Further information: https://www.herdsa.org.au/herdsa-webinar-series


Call For Expressions of Interest for Editor(s) of HERDSA Connect Blog
Due date 12th October 2023

The HERDSA Executive is seeking Expressions of Interest the position of Editor(s) of the HERDSA Connect Blog. The HERDSA Connect Blog offers comment and discussion on higher education issues; provides information about relevant publications, programs and research and celebrates the achievements of our HERDSA members. The HERDSA Connect Blog links members of the HERDSA community in Australasia and beyond by sharing branch activities, member perspectives and achievements, book reviews, comments on contemporary issues in higher education, and conference reflections. Members are encouraged to respond to articles and engage in ongoing discussion relevant to higher education and aligned to HERDSA’s values and mission.

The HERDSA Connect Blog aims to inspire, connect and inform researchers, developers and practitioners in the Australasian higher education sector and inspire both members and non-members to become involved with the HERDSA community by providing an opportunity for less formal publication and discussion on inspirational practices, projects, resources, research, successes and ideas.

The appointment will be for six months initially, commencing 1 November 2023. Applications will be considered from both individuals and small teams.

Expressions of interest should
1. State clearly applicant’s proposed editorial approach
2. Indicate the roles of individuals within the team (if you are submitting a team application)

The following criteria must also be addressed:
1. Experience in editing and publishing online and awareness of the issues and challenges associated with editing a public blog.
2. Graphic design experience and html coding knowledge.
3. Commitment to member engagement.
4. Project management skills and expertise.
5. A strong reputation in research and publication across the higher education sector.
6. Commitment to the HERDSA goals of HERDSA.
7. Membership of HERDSA.

Members of the HERDSA Executive will be happy to respond to any initial inquiries. Further information can be obtained by contacting the Chair of the Selection Committee - Professor Katrina Strampel.

Written expressions of interest should be brief, address the selection criteria (max 2 pages) and include a Curriculum Vitae. Submissions must be received by 12 October 2023 – 5.00pm AEST and sent to office@herdsa.org.au. An acceptance of your submission will be sent via email to you. If you do not receive this please contact the HERDSA office before the closing date.

Professor Katrina Strampel
HERDSA Vice-President
Email: k.strampel@ecu.edu.au


HERDSA Special Interest Group Online Engagement in Higher Education: Upcoming Event
Thursday 19th October 2023 - 6:00pm – 7:30pm - AEST

Building research clusters & networking about online engagement in higher education.

About this event:
There are many topics worthy of further investigation and exploration related to the overarching theme of online engagement in higher education. These include, but are not limed to: student online engagement, pedagogical implications of online engagement, facilitation and designing of learning for online engagement, frameworks that inform online engagement; student non-engagement, social, cognitive, teaching presence, student motivation, tools and strategies that foster online engagement, tracking student online engagement, barriers and enablers of engagement, and considerations for equity and access to student online engagement.

Join us online for this very special HERDSA Online Engagement in Higher Education SIG ‘extended meetup’ to build national/international networks, research clusters and explore opportunities and possibilities of researching a phenomenon related to online engagement in Higher Education.

Date & Time: Thursday 19th October 2023 - 6:00pm – 7:30pm - AEST

Register via the Eventbrite link below:

Further information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uilding-research-clusters-networking-about-...


HERDSA TERNZ Research Medal 2023 - Call for Nominations
24 October 2023

The HERDSA NZ committee invites you to nominate a team or an individual for the HERDSA TERNZ Research Medal. This award recognises outstanding contributions to tertiary education research in New Zealand. This includes tertiary education research itself and/or service to tertiary education research. Further details about the award and nomination process are available on the Award website: https://www.herdsa.org.nz/awards/herdsa-ternz-research-medal .

Further information: julie.timmermans@otago.ac.nz


HERDSA Webinar - Evidence-informed peer review of educational practice: A hands-on approach - Part 1
Tu 24 October, 13:00-14:00 AEDT

Join Dr Alexandra Johnston (University of Melbourne) for this 2-part, interactive series, “Evidence-informed peer review of educational practice: A hands-on approach.”

In the first part of this hands-on series, you will:
● Access an evidence-informed artefact to support your engagement in the interactive workshop sessions.
● Engage in critical approaches to evidence-informed peer review of educational practice to support your teaching growth and development.
● Interact with a peer to provide and receive feedback on teaching based on the principles of feedback literacy.
● Form a safe, informed, and critical community of practice to sustain teaching growth and development across your career in academia.
Details about the second part of the series will be posted in October 2023

Dr Alexandra Johnston (PhD) is a neurodivergent teaching and learning specialist with the Arts Teaching Innovation Team at the University of Melbourne. Alexandra’s PhD explored peer review of teaching in Australian higher education. Her substantive theory, becoming scholarly, is an approach to safeguarding, affording, and sustaining opportunities for academics to develop scholarly teaching capabilities. Alexandra’s central recommendation is that peer review of teaching programs scaffold meaningful conversations about scholarly teaching. These conversations can transform teaching quality in higher education and result in evidence-based knowledge, skills, and behaviours – or scholarly teaching capabilities.

Alexandra holds several qualifications, including a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, Graduate Certificate degrees in Educational Research and University Teaching, and bachelor’s degrees in education and fine arts. She has extensive experience in a range of educational settings over 25 years and brings both industry practice and academic research skills and knowledge to her work in higher education teaching and research. Alexandra is also a wellbeing science consultant, with experience working with a range of educational providers across the public and private sectors.

Don’t miss out! Register in advance for this workshop. Numbers are capped.*


TEQSA and CRADLE genAI Webinar #5 - Assessment Reform for the Age of Artificial Intelligence
28 September 2023 3pm-4pm

TEQSA in association with CRADLE presents the fifth webinar in the "Implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence for Higher Education”

This series of webinars addresses what is known at present about Generative Artificial intelligence (genAI), implications for learning, teaching and assessment and how such technologies might transform higher education into the future.

Student use of generative AI (genAI), particularly ChatGPT, is becoming increasingly commonplace. The sector must therefore rethink assessment design to ensure students’ work is appropriately represented as their own, but also consider how assessment can prepare students for a world where genAI is ubiquitous.

In mid-August, TEQSA sponsored the Assessment Experts Forum: Rethinking assessment in the age of artificial intelligence. The two-day forum brought together 18 Australian experts, led by Associate Professor Jason Lodge. The purpose was to develop an initial draft of guiding principles to orient the sector towards productive ways of rethinking assessment. The discussion built on participants’ extensive expertise in assessment and educational technology and was followed by consultation with a wider group of experts across Australia.

The draft – two guiding principles and a set of five propositions for assessment in a time of AI – will be presented in the webinar, as part of a continuing conversation.

Dr Helen Gniel is the Director of TEQSA’s Higher Education Integrity Unit. The unit was established in January 2021 to identify threats to the integrity of Australia’s higher education system, as well as avenues to support the sector to mitigate these risks.
Associate Professor Jason Lodge is Director of the Learning, Instruction, and Technology Lab in the School of Education and is a Deputy Associate Dean (Academic) in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at The University of Queensland. Jason’s research with his lab focuses on self-regulated learning with technology, primarily in higher education.
Associate Professor Sarah Howard is an Associate Professor of Digital Technologies in Education, at the University of Wollongong in Australia. Her research looks at technology-related change in education, specifically teacher practice and integration in learning.
Professor Phillip (Phill) Dawson a Professor and Co-Director of the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) at Deakin University, where he researches assessment, feedback and cheating. His most recent books include Defending Assessment Security in a Digital World (Routledge) and the co-edited volume Re-imagining University Assessment in a Digital World (Springer).
Professor Margaret Bearman is a Professor of Research with CRADLE. She holds a first-class honours degree in computer science and a PhD in medical education. Margaret’s interests  are broad ranging and include assessment in university education, feedback in healthcare contexts, simulation and learning in a digital world. 

Further information: https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdeakin...


Director, Centre for Learning and Teaching
Sunday 1 October 2023

Edith Cowan University is recruiting a Manager, Teaching Quality (Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor) in the Centre for Learning and Teaching. The full-time, ongoing role is responsible for the leadership and management of the Teaching Quality team to ensure the design, development, facilitation and ongoing quality assurance and quality enhancement of academic development opportunities for all learning and teaching staff at ECU.

The Manager, Teaching Quality is also responsible for leading the team to provide evidence-informed learning and curriculum design effectively and efficiently across all disciplines; taking a whole-of-institution approach to embed key strategic initiatives across all courses in the university. The Manager works in collaboration with learning and teaching leaders from schools and central services to lead technology enhanced learning and teaching transformation at scale.

Further information: https://ecu.nga.net.au/cp/index.cfm?event=jobs.checkJobDetailsNewApplica...


Early Career Academic Appointments in the Faculty of Education
Sunday 15 October 2023, 11:55pm AEDT

The Faculty of Education at Monash University is providing an exciting opportunity for early career academics in a variety of fields of education.

Further information: https://careers.pageuppeople.com/513/cw/en/job/656378/early-career-acade...


Critical University Studies Conference (CUS) 2024 - Call for submissions
Submissions close: 30 October, 2023

CUS 2024 'Rage Against the Machine: remaking universities for hopeful futures' - 19-21 June 2024

The inaugural Critical University Studies Conference (formerly known as the International Academic Identities Conference) will take place in 19-21 June 2024 in Hong Kong, with the Professor Bruce Macfarlane as Conference Chair.

The conference has been renamed to broaden its horizon towards a wider range of interests among higher education researchers and scholars than the earlier title might have suggested. Upholding and strengthening the distinctive culture of AIC – that entails values of companionship, creativity and criticality – will remain a key aspiration for the Critical University Studies Conference.

The conference takes its new title from the work of Jeffrey Williams (2012), Liz Morrish (2018) and others who argue for the need to take a ‘resolutely critical perspective’ on the ‘knowledge factory itself’ (Williams, 2012, pp. 2-3). As both Morrish and Williams point out, a central target for critical university studies is the effects of neoliberal policies on higher education institutions. The job of critical university studies is twofold: to draw on a range of disciplines to argue against the ‘academic practice as usual’ produced under a thoroughly economic logic and to imagine how those usual practices might be different – and better.

We welcome submissions on a wide variety of topics – or ways of apprehending/studying the university – and we are especially interested in those that ask critical questions of their material.

Further information: https://www.cusconf.com/


Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching), Australia Advance Education Group

The Associate Dean – Learning and Teaching is an integral member of the Executive Management Team at SISTC. The ADLT has a demonstrated record of excellence in digital learning, course design, assessment and academic student engagement. The ADLT provides significant leadership through managing the learning and teaching activities, technology and resources for AAEG.

The role involves developing and delivering engaging, innovative, and inclusive teaching and learning experiences for students, ensuring that learning outcomes are achieved and maintaining high-quality standards of delivery. Also, the ADLT will be responsible for the delivery of at least one unit of study, as well as providing administrative support to the admin teams with the timetable planning.

  • has a significant role in the development of new courses and the revision existing units and courses.
  • is responsible for the academic leadership in the operational aspects of learning and teaching for AAEG.
  • plays a central role in supporting the company’s planned growth over the next 5 to 7 years forthe delivery of education in new, innovative, and digital environments.
  • is a significant player in representing the company in relevant community, industry, and sector forums, networks and groups.

Further information: Hamid Salarian Email Hamid@sistc.nsw.edu.au


Health Sciences SIG: Overcoming bioscience related anxiety

Students entering healthcare programs without requirements to complete core bioscience subjects i.e., subject specific pre-requisites often experience anxiety. To overcome anxiety in this student population, a short course called Biochemical Basis for Human Life was developed. This course is designed to equip students entering healthcare programs with knowledge of the basic bioscientific concepts and it consists of five course units. Upon course completion, students are issued with a Certificate of Completion and are also given a lifetime access to the course. Hence, all course updates that occur in the years to come will be available to all of those who completed the course.

Further information: https://study.unimelb.edu.au/find/short-courses/biochemical-basis-for-hu...


In the spirit of reconciliation HERDSA acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australasia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.

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