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HERDSA Notices 29 March 2017

* Notice of Amendments to the HERDSA Constitution
* Vote now for HERDSA Executive 2017-2019
* Don’t miss the opportunity to attend HERDSA 2017!  Early Bird rates are almost a thing of the past!
* Travel Grants for the HERDSA conference
*  3 x Educational Designers positions @ USQ
* 2 Week English language teaching opportunity in China, July 2017
* Teaching induction blog
* National Guidelines for Improving Student Outcomes in Online Learning
* Higher Education in the Headlines

Notice of Amendments to the Constitution

Annual General Meeting of the Higher Educational Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) to be held in Sydney on Thursday 29th June 2017

In accordance with the constitution of HERDSA notice is hereby given of motions to amend the HERDSA constitution. A short explanation of each motion and the proposed amendments are set out in the attached document.

The motions relate to:

A. Amending the constitution to add a third category of membership

HERDSA Notices 22 March 2017

* Election for HERDSA Executive 2017-2019 is now open
* Thinking of going to HERDSA 2017?  Like to learn more about facilitating curriculum transformation?
* Call for expressions of interest: Connectedness Learning mentoring + chapters for edited collection
* Come to Kruger National Park in South Africa for an excellent MSTE conference!
* 3rd International Higher Education Curriculum Design & Academic Leadership Symposia
* New book on First in Family students in higher education just released

HERDSA Notices 15 March 2017

* Election for HERDSA Executive 2017-2019 is now open
* Thinking of going to HERDSA 2017?  Change is the new black!
* Positions Vacant (2): Murdoch University
* Early bird rate for International Summer Institute on Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching in HE ends 31st March
* Research Opportunity: Survey and Phone Interview
* Higher Education in the Headlines

To submit an announcement for this list complete the online form at

HERDSA Notices 8 March 2017

* Proposing and editing 2018 Special Issue of HERD 
* Creating Effective Innovation Ecosystems workshop: Two Bold Ideas to Shape the Future
* Higher Education in the Headlines

To submit an announcement for this list complete the online form at

A full list of HERDSA Notices is online at

HERDSA Notices 1 March 2017

* Thinking of going to HERDSA 2017?  Why not bring a student?
* Proposing and editing 2018 Special Issue of HERD 
* Call for papers closes today! Australian International Education Conference, Hobart, October
* Job Vacancy: Senior Manager, Educational Design and Development
* Annual Conference - Association of Visual Pedagogy
* 2017 Australia-APEC Women in Research Fellowship
* Higher Education in the Headlines

HERDSA Notices 22 February 2017

* Thinking of going to HERDSA 2017?  The Early Bird date is fast approaching – 28 April!
* Academic developer full time continuing position at JCU
* Free online seminar: Engaging students for success: individual and institutional influences
* Academic Mentoring Guide
* Higher Education in the Headlines

To submit an announcement for this list complete the online form at

Call for Nominations: HERDSA Executive 2019 - 2021

Call for Nominations: HERDSA Executive 2019 - 2021

This is a call for nominations for HERDSA Executive positions for the period July 2019 – July 2021. 

The current HERDSA Executive will complete a two-year term at the end of June 2019 and all positions (except the President) are declared vacant.

HERDSA Notices 15 February 2017

* HERDSA 2017: Curriculum Transformation
* HERDSA Conference 2017 Travel Grants
* Expectations of Learning &Teaching Quality in Higher Ed - Talk by Professor Cummins, DVC (SLT), ACU
* Job Vacancy: Lecturer Nursing and Midwifery
* Executive Director: Strategy, Planning and Performance
* Directory of teaching journals and conferences
* Publication announcement relating to education research
* I-MELT International Conference for Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching,11-13 December 2017
* Higher Education in the Headlines

HERDSA Notices 8 February 2017

* HERDSA Website Membership Renewals
* Applications invited for Ongoing Lecturer position at Deakin Learning Futures
* Higher Education in the Headlines

To submit an announcement for this list complete the online form at

A full list of HERDSA Notices is online at
