Higher Education Research & Development Vol. 42 No. 7

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The devaluation of philosophical reflexivity in social research
Wendy Bastalich, Pages: 1565-1577

Gatekeeping v. marketing: English language proficiency as a university admission requirement in Australia
Agnes Bodis, Pages: 1578-1592

Educators’ experiences of pivoting online: unearthing key learnings and insights for engaging students online
A. Brown, J. Lawrence, S. Foote, J. Cohen, P. Redmond, C. Stone, M. Kimber & R. Henderson, Pages: 1593-1607

The higher degree research student experience in Australian universities: a systematic literature review
Charlotte Brownlow, Douglas C. Eacersall, Neil Martin & Renée Parsons-Smith, Pages: 1608-1623

Indigenous university pathways, WIL and the strengthening of aspirations: Robbie’s journey as a learner
Garth Stahl, Sarah McDonald & Jennifer Stokes, Pages: 1624-1639

Students’ ways of experiencing writing a bachelor’s thesis: a phenomenographic interview study
Ani Henttonen, Kristina Ahlberg, Max Scheja, Bjöörn Fossum & Margareta Westerbotn, Pages: 1640-1653

Diversified patterns and future prospects of international student mobility: a multi-level analysis from global and Asian perspectives
Yi-Hsuan Irene Huang, Cheng-Ta Wu, Chao-Yu Guo & Jia-Ling Kang, Pages: 1654-1669

Collegiality as collective affect: who carries the burden of the labour of attunement?
Giedre Kligyte, Pages: 1670-1683

Validating and applying an adapted OSLQ to examine adult learners’ online self-regulation
Feng Lin, Lyndon Lim, Yan Yin Ho, Bao Zhen Tan & Wei Ying Lim, Pages: 1684-1699

Offshore doctoral identity negotiation during COVID-19: challenges and opportunities
Qun Ma & Chenyu Ni, Pages: 1700-1713

A systematic review of Australian higher education students’ and graduates’ work readiness
Poppy Orr, Loch Forsyth, Catherine Caballero, Caroline Rosenberg & Arlene Walker, Pages: 1714-1731

Student evaluation of teaching and student centeredness in the Humboldtian and Emirati tribal traditions of higher education
Pedro Pineda & Sanaa Ashour, Pages: 1732-1747

Mapping academic practice: a Latourian inquiry into a set of lecture slides
Jonathan Tummons, Pages: 1748-1761

‘Undisciplining’ higher education without losing disciplines: furthering transformative potential for students
Mayke W. C. Vereijken, Sanne F. Akkerman, Susan F. te Pas, Iris van der Tuin & Manon Kluijtmans, Pages: 1762-1775

Negotiating the temporal and spatial complexities: Chinese international students’ learning experience at home during the COVID-19
Yanru Xu, Xiying Wang, Jiarui Wu, Shihua Xiao & Binli Chen, Pages: 1776-1791

Engaging students as partners in intercultural partnership practices: a scoping review
Meng Zhang, Kelly E. Matthews & Shuang Liu, Pages: 1792-1807

What made undergraduate research experiences significant: a collaborative critical incident analysis with student co-researchers
Tracy X. P. Zou, Joyceline Susanto, Aisha Ajmal Wahab, Narin Hong, Christine S. T. Chiu & Lily Y. Y. Leung, Pages: 1808-1823

Higher Education Research & Development Vol. 42