Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
Critique of the article, ‘Theoretical foundations of phenomenography: a critical review’
Gerlese S. Åkerlind, Pages: 1299-1308
College students’ sense of belonging in times of disruption: prospective changes from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic
Alexandra Barringer, Lauren M. Papp & Pamela Gu, Pages: 1309-1322
The pivotal role of student assessment in work-integrated learning
David Boud, Carol Costley, Steven Cranfield, Jeenal Desai, Elda Nikolou-Walker, Paula Nottingham & Dilys Wilson, Pages: 1323-1337
Examining the influence of professional development on tutors’ teaching philosophies
Valeria S. Cotronei-Baird, Austin Chia, Angela Paladino & Alexandra Johnston, Pages: 1338-1361
‘Students as partners rather than followers but … ’: understanding academics’ conceptions of changing learner-teacher relationships in Chinese higher education
Kun Dai & Kelly E. Matthews, Pages: 1362-1376
Student partners as co-contributors in research: a collective autoethnographic account
Mollie Dollinger, Joanna Tai, Trina Jorre St Jorre, Rola Ajjawi, Shannon Krattli, Daniella Prezioso & Danni McCarthy, Pages: 1377-1390
Online ‘games’: conceptual discussion on the expectations of international students and lecturers in host universities
Ghazalossadat Fatemi, Richard O’Donovan & Eisuke Saito, Pages: 1391-1406
“We still have a lot to learn”: non-Indigenous educator perspectives on teaching Indigenous health
Alison Francis-Cracknell, Mandy Truong, Rosalie Thackrah & Karen Adams, Pages: 1407-1421
Academic performance of first-year university students: modelling the role of reading competence
Sara M. González-Betancor, Margarita Fernández-Monroy, Inmaculada Galván-Sánchez & Alexis J. López-Puig, Pages: 1422-1437
Encountering and contesting native-speakerism in Japanese universities
Naoko Inoue & Vivienne Anderson, Pages: 1438-1452
Are Confucian educational values a barrier to engaging students as partners in Chinese universities?
Yifei Liang & Kelly E. Matthews, Pages: 1453-1466
Team emotional intelligence buffers the impact of negative emotions on satisfaction with the team: a multilevel study
Silvia Ortiz-Bonnin, Joanna Blahopoulou, María Isabel Montañez-Juan & M. Esther García-Buades, Pages: 1467-1481
Ableism in higher education: the negation of crip temporalities within the neoliberal academy
Jess Rodgers, Ryan Thorneycroft, Peta S. Cook, Elizabeth Humphrys, Nicole L. Asquith, Sally Anne Yaghi & Ashleigh Foulstone, Pages: 1482-1495
Academic association through overseas visits: a multiple-case study of Chinese doctoral students from the perspectives of A(N)T
H. Shan, Z. Ren & Y. Ma, Pages: 1496-1509
COVID-19 impacts on early career trajectories and mobility of doctoral graduates in Aotearoa New Zealand
R. A. Spronken-Smith, K. Brown, C. Cameron, M. J. McAuliffe, T. Riley & C. K. Weaver, Pages: 1510-1526
A systematic literature review of micro-credentials in higher education: a non-zero-sum game
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Ha, Michael Spittle, Anthony Watt & Nina Van Dyke, Pages: 1527-1548
How international short-term mobility experience affects full-degree abroad experience: insights from Chinese students
Xing Xu, Jing Peng, Yunni Xia & Rui Zhang, Pages: 1549-1563