Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
New developments in internationalisation of higher education in a changing context
New developments in internationalisation of higher education
Ly Thi Tran, Jisun Jung, Lisa Unangst & Stephen Marshall, Pages: 1033-1041
Typologising internationalisation in UK university strategies: reputation, mission and attitude
Sylvie Lomer, Jenna Mittelmeier & Steve Courtney, Pages: 1042-1056
Learning to unlearn: exploring the relationship between internationalisation and decolonial agendas in higher education
Catherine Montgomery & Sheila Trahar, Pages: 1057-1070
Nation-bounded internationalization of higher education: a comparative analysis of two periphery countries
Betul Bulut Sahin & Rachel Brooks, Pages: 1071-1085
Settler nation-building through immigration as a rationale for higher education: a critical discourse analysis
Lisa Ruth Brunner, Pages: 1086-1102
Internationalization of higher education in tumultuous times: transformative powers and problems in embattled Ukraine
Anatoly Oleksiyenko, Ielyzaveta Shchepetylnykova & Uliana Furiv, Pages: 1103-1118
Categorizations of crisis: access to higher education in Canada as international students and forcibly displaced people
Renata Matsumoto & Melody Viczko, Pages: 1119-1132
Conducting doctoral research in China: an exploration of international students’ motivation to study at Chinese universities
Kun Dai, Yating Hu, Xiaoyuan Li & Oluwasegun Oladipo, Pages: 1133-1149
‘Integration is not a one-way process’: students negotiating meanings of integration and internationalization at home (IaH) in Finnish higher education
Carlos Mendoza, Fred Dervin & Heidi Layne, Pages: 1150-1164
No human mobility: how is knowledge mobile in a context of internationalisation at a distance? a case study
Yun Yue, Denise De Souza & Louise Townsin, Pages: 1165-1181
Student empowerment for internationalisation at a distance: enacting the students as partners approach in virtual mobility
Jeremy Breaden, Thu Do, Lucas Moreira dos Anjos-Santos & Nadine Normand-Marconnet, Pages: 1182-1196
A caring transformation of international education: possibilities, challenges and change
Andrew Deuchar & Radhika Gorur, Pages: 1197-1211
Humanising the internationalisation of higher education: enhancing international students’ wellbeing through the capability approach
Hannah Soong & Vihara Maheepala, Pages: 1212-1229
Students’ changing conceptualizations of university internationalization in Australia
Samantha Marangell & Giuseppe D’Orazzi, Pages: 1230-1246
Academic staff on their engagement with curriculum internationalisation: an organisational change perspective
Franka van den Hende & Jan Riezebos, Pages: 1247-1266
Are some disciplines ‘hard to engage’? A cross-disciplinary analysis of university teachers’ approaches to internationalisation of the curriculum
Tracy X. P. Zou, Lisa Y. N. Law & Beatrice C. B. Chu, Pages: 1267-1282
Is teaching and learning in Chinese higher education classrooms internationalized? Perspectives from international students in China
Jasvir Kaur Nachatar Singh & Amrita Kaur, Pages: 1283-1297