Communicative spaces – A perspective on learning

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 25: Quality Conversations

July, 2002, 794 pages
Published by
Tony Herrington
0 908557 54 X

In this text learning is regarded as something done via communicative acts. Meaning is constructed and maintained in a communicative process where responses are exchanged between individuals. Some individuals do this often and intensively and by doing this, in co-operation with others, develop with them unique and shared perspectives, and through these perspectives they view the world and construct meaning in similar ways. The communication goes on between individuals, and the evolving uniqueness of this communication, and the resulting perspectives, constitutes the communicative space. Throughout the text the idea of communicative spaces is explored and also applied, in two cases: female teachers in the field of technology and students entering a large programme in engineering.

Keywords: communicative space, intellectual tools, learning