Student perceptions of inclusivity in lecturing at university

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 25: Quality Conversations

July, 2002, 794 pages
Published by
Tony Herrington
0 908557 54 X

Since 1998 the University of Western Australia has gathered data on student perception of inclusivity in teaching through an item included in its Student Perceptions of Teaching system. This study analyses data on lecturing with respect to broad discipline categories, student and lecturer gender, and course year levels. The study is exploratory, no previous research into student perceptions of inclusivity in higher education having been identified. The findings are broadly consistent with outcomes of research into other aspects of student evaluations of teaching while suggesting closer attention should be given to some key aspects such as an apparent perception that female lecturers in science/maths are more inclusive in their lecturing than are their male counterparts. Inclusivity, it is argued, is an issue of growing importance given greater diversity in the student population of our universities and greater competition for students, both local and international.

Keywords: student evaluation, inclusivity, lecturing