In FLITE conversations: Building a faculty-based centre to support Information Technology Education

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 25: Quality Conversations

July, 2002, 794 pages
Published by
Tony Herrington
0 908557 54 X

The FLITE (Facilitated Learning for Information Technology Education) Centre was formally established in May 2001 within the Faculty of Information Technology. Its mission is to develop a collaborative environment that fosters quality teaching and student-centred learning across all eight Schools of the Faculty. This requires a shift in values and processes, and an attitudinal change from an organization where individuals work in isolation, to one where communication, collaboration, sharing of ideas and building common resources form an integral part of the academic culture. For a Centre to be effective in achieving such attitudinal change, a continual dialogue between all members of the Faculty is required. It is the FLITE Centre’s role to initiate such conversations and support the resultant actions and projects that emerge. This paper outlines the types of conversations needed and the associated work of the Centre that has arisen from such conversations, in the hope of providing an approach to effecting change in the teaching and learning environment.

Keywords: teaching support, change management, dialogue