Doing group assessment: A web-based resource of good practice case-studies

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 31: Engaging Communities

July, 2008, 389 pages
Published by
Mark Barrow & Kathryn Sutherland
0 908557 73 6

This paper reports on a national project, Doing Group Assessment, based at the University of Canberra and funded by the Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Inc., now the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC). The development of this web-based resource of good practice case-studies in group assessment in disciplines such as theatre, communication, film and theatre studies is outlined. The specific focus of the paper is on the question: Should a common group mark be awarded or should marks reflect differential inputs of group members? Five major strategies emerged from the case studies and these are described and contextualized within the discipline cluster.

Keywords: group assessment, communication, grades