Depicting difference through community mapping: Using participatory learning action techniques in higher education contexts

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 31: Engaging Communities

July, 2008, 389 pages
Published by
Mark Barrow & Kathryn Sutherland
0 908557 73 6

This paper describes the use of community mapping as a participatory learning action (PLA) technique in a cross-institutional and cross-disciplinary higher education context. A group of higher education academics from historically advantaged and disadvantaged institutions in South Africa formed a community of practice to devise, implement and research a joint module on Community, Self and Identity during 2006 & 2007. The module involved interaction between senior undergraduate students from Psychology, Social Work and Occupational therapy across diverse institutional contexts. A blended model, where students engaged in face to face and online conversations and were exposed to critical readings on community, self and identity was used. The process enabled students who have been geographically and socially separated in South Africa to become aware of difference in relation to privilege and deprivation, particularly with regard to resources in their communities.

Keywords: Community mapping, historically disadvantaged/advantaged institutions, blended learning, difference