The take-up of web technology: Promoting changes in teaching staff and in the institution

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 23: Flexible Learning for a Flexible Society

July, 2000, 755 pages
Published by
Lesley Richardson & John Lidstone

This paper presents a web based infrastructure model that has been used at the University of Western Sydney since 1998 in a project to promote the mass adoption by staff of web technologies in their everyday teaching. This project, called PlatformWeb, provides an integrated one-stop-shop environment for academic staff, support staff and the students. The infrastructure connecting various administration supporting functions into the teaching delivery modules. The project has been based on applying adoption/diffusion models in developing the systems specifications and making use of organisation models of adoption of innovations in providing the institutional support needed. The basic premise is that for staff, on mass, to adopt new practices and technologies, the technology must first address current perceived needs. From surveying it was found that a major perception of "problems" with traditional teaching lay in the lack of adequate supporting administration-type infrastructures. This paper focuses on presenting the systems architecture, its operation and results of this project, with an overview of the underlying theoretical adoption/diffusion and organisational models used.