Gaining practical skills through scenario-based learning

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 23: Flexible Learning for a Flexible Society

July, 2000, 755 pages
Published by
Lesley Richardson & John Lidstone

A multimedia scenario-based learning package, which can be accessed either in the computer or through the Internet, is prepared for the students of a telecommunication course. This learning package is to simulate a scenario which is close to the students’ future working environment. Using up-to-date information and multimedia technology, it can simulate issues and conditions similar to those encountered in the field. Students can virtually walk around and realize how the actual working environment should be. They can also take this opportunity to study how different equipment can be interconnected together and how to operate those equipment. Student can use this virtual environment to understand deeper about the operation and the theory behind. Further explanation will be displayed in hierarchical way to suit different background of students. This scenario-based learning package is to let all students have chance to virtually immerse in a scenario to enhance their learning and practical knowledge. Preliminary study shows that this scenario-based learning is well accepted by students and is worth for further study.