A model promoting conceptual change in higher education – an integrated approach

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 35: Connections in Higher Education

July, 2012, 373 pages
Published by
N. Brown, S.M. Jones, & A. Adam
0 908557 89 2

In this paper we discuss the importance of a learning perspective in relation to teaching and student learning in higher education. We conclude that conceptual change is crucial for the professional development of academic teachers, especially their understanding of the relation between teaching and student learning.

We present and analyse a model for pedagogical competence within an integrated academic development program. The model, with potential to establish and sustain connections between theory and practice in Higher Education, involves four essential aspects of pedagogical competence – pedagogical practice or actual teaching activities related to student learning; observation of teaching and student learning; theory or theoretical knowledge of teaching and student learning; and planning as a means for improved pedagogical practice. We argue for teachers’ observations of teaching and student learning, together with reflected theoretical reasoning, to be especially important factors to promote conceptual change in university teaching.

We conclude, with connections to educational research, that conceptual change in university teaching is supported by systematic scholarly academic development focusing on pedagogical competence.

Keywords: Conceptual change, learning perspective, engineering education